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      It was hours later when Yanah left Tae reached his apartment. Opening the door with a trembling heart he entered the room only to realize that his doubts were proven right. 

     He was expecting this all the way here but he still hoped for her to stay but it seems like even she wasn't any different when choosing themselves over him. 

   Tae smiled sadly, the pain creeping in as he walked around in silence trying to accept the reality which was harsh but expected. She also left him in the end without even letting apologize for what he did. 

     So finally she has left him alone after fighting for him for so long, and she surely has given up knowing there is no way her feelings are going to reciprocate.

    Tae knows that he should be relieved that she left on her own, not making it hard for him. But still he couldn't let the feelings go away, the same fear creeping in of being left behind without even a word. 

    Was it too much to ask even if it may sound selfish that she didn't even want to see his face again and left him knowing well how much he hates it.

     He knew that he was showing more leniency towards her when he shouldn't. But she was the only one who has been persistent to stay with him when it was only breaking her heart. 

     She knew that he was not going to love her back, but yet she stayed. He was never her in the first place, and she was aware that he would never be. But she was ready to endure that pain if it could lessen his.

     He was a total mess when she offered him the help to cope up with the situation and he agreed to it even while knowing there will be consequences which he is not ready for. And it may surpass all the good things that are going to come out of this deal.

     He knew that he was being unfair to her by entering into a relationship when his feelings were never for her. Even though he was trying his best to move on, somewhere in his heart he knew that it was not an easy task but he never knew that it was impossible though. 

     And he was really selfish for keeping it to himself when she was trying her best to bring him back to life, and even after knowing that she would break completely when he would let her know everything, he was scared to open up. 

      But he was hoping that maybe he could give her what she is looking for even though he was not aware of what it was at the beginning but when he realised how serious the situation is, it was already too late.

    Yeah, he has always been scared to open up, let himself be vulnerable in front of others, however close they are to him. 

    It was not that he didn't want to let them in and not deceive them by faking his persona. But he was never good at this kind of thing. And he didn't want anyone to know how weak he is. He wants them to see him as a strong boy and not a weakling as his dad calls him. 

     And he was scared of how they will react when they know how he is. Would they stay with him while accepting him as himself or will he be left behind once again.

    And that's the reason why he was comfortable with Yanah, no he doesn't like her like he does with Jungkook. She was not his lover but an amazing companion who knows how to keep his spirits up and brings him up when he feels so down

   She was his comfort place, his confidant and someone he was sure would never judge him for what he is. She knows a lot about him which none of his friends has an idea about. 

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