[2]Bro really thought 🤪

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"Look! Theres another one!" Finny shouted outside the pool room where you, your brother, and other guests where playing

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"Look! Theres another one!" Finny shouted outside the pool room where you, your brother, and other guests where playing.
"Quite the commotion going on out there. Seems you're experiencing a rat problem as well." A man in a purple suit addressed as the servants shouted again. "Speaking of which, how long will you two let the vermin run wild? Filthy monsters. Someone really ought to take care of them, don't you think?" A man in green asked as he ate a sandwich.

"And someone will. They're just waiting for the opportune moment." A man in traditional Chinese clothing said, waiting for his turn. "Indeed. They prefer to settle things with one blow. Will you pass on this turn too. Lord and lady Phantomhive?" A woman in red asked the two siblings. "We'll pass." You answered. "It's our policy not to shoot if we know that we'll miss." Ciel said and closed his eyes. "That's all very well. But when will you handle the problem?" The man in purple asked "Anytime you like. The rats will soon come looking for their forbidden cheese, and we hold the key to the storehouse." You answered when a man with a white blazer and purple button up took his turn.

"Even so, locating the nest and eliminating the vermin promises to be a tedious task. You should concentrate on preparing us a suitable reward." Ciel said as he leaned on his cue stick. "You two are vultures." The man in purple said as Ciel retorted quickly. "Sir Randall, I'd be careful how you smear my family name and how you address my sister." You in turn glared at the man as he turned away with a frown.

"Heh, you're in trouble now, Randall. What next, Lord Phantomhive?" The man with the white blazer asked your brother. "It's time to out an end to this worthless game, don't you think?" Ciel said as he stood up to the table but paused when he passed by Randall, whispering to him before taking his turn. "Then we'll send a carriage for you later. We can even provide some light entertainment for you. Does that sound good?" Ciel asked as he sat on the table before leaning forward. "You passed your turn twice and now you're after them all in one go!?" The man in green asked

"Naturally." "Careful or your greed will undo you." Lord Randall said, gaining an airy smile from Ciel as he hit the rest of the balls into the holes. "Am I undone?"

"Your tea. We have a special Darjeeling blend to offer from Fortnum and Mason today." Sebastian said as you drank your tea delightfully. "Smells lovely. Tea can be excellent when made well." Lau said, Sebastian poured more tea into another cup and the servant that belonged to the lady in red stood there to admire him. "Grell." The woman addressed him. "Yes, my lady?" Her butler answered. "Learn something from Sebastian. Just look at him. I mean this physique! You should quit this country job and work for me in the city!" Madam red said before she started touching Sebastian's ass 🌝

"So, do you believe the drug trafficker you're after was one of your guests today?" Lau asked as he stood up. "Perhaps."
"Why not leave the extermination to Lau? A rat knows best where a rats nest is, doesn't he?" Madam red asked as Lau walked over to the chair that you and Ciel shared before leaning on it. "I'm but a tame Guinea pig dedicated to my lord and lady. If the Earl and countess intruct me not to act, I'm bound to do nothing." Lau said as he played both of his hands on your heads as Madam red pulled you two away from him.

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