[46] Bro was flipped so hard 😟

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You had woken up, feeling well rested and calm when you realized something as you looked at the clock beside your bed

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You had woken up, feeling well rested and calm when you realized something as you looked at the clock beside your bed. 'It's too late, he was supposed to wake me up some time ago...' you thought before shaking Ran Mao awake. "Mao! Mao!" You called as she woke up and sat up, looking around. "Is there danger?" She asked as you shook your head. "Good morning, lady." She greeted properly as you giggled. "Good morning to you too, but I'm worried." You expressed as she tilted her head, still keeping the same calm expression.

"Something is wrong. I don't know what specifically but I just do. Sebastian was supposed to wake me up a long time ago, it's almost ten." You told her as she seemed to be thinking when a knock was heard. "If I may come in, mistress?" Tanaka knocked on the door before opening it.

"I apologize. My tardiness is inexcusable." Tanaka said as he bowed when you grew tense. "Tanaka? Why're you here? Where's Sebastian?" You asked and before you knew it you were dashing done the hall with Ran Mao. You then arrived at the room where he was as your eyes landed on his stabbed corpse. "Mistress we-" Bard cut himself off as he saw your pained expression.

"Sebastian?" You questioned as you began walking towards him when Mey stopped you. "Wait, mistress. You don't want to go any farther, I promise-" she protested as you fought against her. "Unhand me!" You shouted when Finny joined in. "Just listen to her, madam!" "I give the orders around here!" You shouted and slipped through a gap they made before running to Sebastian as your brother was already hunched over him, crying.

"No! Wake up! Sebastian!" You shouted as you pulled his hair and hit his head on the floor, an attempt at getting him to 'wake up'. "Neither of us gave you permission to die! How dare you ignore me! This is an order, wake up! Wake up! Don't you ignore my orders! You can't die! No!" You shouted and kept on hitting him when Bard rested his hand on your head.

"He's gone, sweet. There's no bringing him back." He told you as the scarce tears falling down your cheeks were multiplied  as you leaned down to his neck to rest your forehead on his shoulder one last time. "His body will start to decay if we leave him here. Perhaps we should move him sooner than later." Charles broke the silence as Bard stood up fully. "I agree." He said as Mey pulled Ciel away from Sebastian's corpse.

"My lord, come with me." She requested as Finny pulled you away. "No! Let me go! Don't leave us behind, Sebastian! Do you hear me? That's an order! An order! An order!" Ciel shouted as he reached for the man and pulled off his broach "My lord, please!" Mey-Rin begged him as you broke down again in Finny's arms. He looked at your vulnerable state in his arms as he held pity in his eyes. "I'm sorry, mistress. Im really sorry." He whispered as he guided you to your brother who stood by a window while Mey-Rin placed a shawl on your shoulders to keep you warm.

"Seems he's had a blow to the back of the head. It's possible someone struck him from behind while he was tending the fire." Arthur stated as he examined Sebastian's corpse. "And when that didn't finish him off, what'd they do? Stabbed him in the chest with a poker, to make doubly sure the deed was done?" Bard added "Or he made two different attacks without bothering to check for signs of life between. Two blows kill more surely than one. It's simple arithmetic." Charles commented as Arthur denied it.

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