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Y'all, there's a part that may make some of y'all uncomfortable so I will put a warning before the paragraph so you guys can skip it and go on with the chapter

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Y'all, there's a part that may make some of y'all uncomfortable so I will put a warning before the paragraph so you guys can skip it and go on with the chapter. Remember to drink some water and eat, my loves ❤️❤️❤️

"You both look better than I thought." Soma said as you two sat in the hut(?) he was in. "It was hard because Agni wanted to come too. But apparently according to the rules you can't take your servants with you." He commented as you played with the ends of your hair that leaked out from your hat. "Yeah, normally you can't... But back on topic we called you here for a reason." You brought the topic back as he raised a brow. "Oh? What, tell me." He asked.

"We had a fight with Maurice Cole. A senior from the red house, the dormitory you're going to." Ciel explained as he seemed to think about what he was about to say next. "And apart from Y/n, I don't have many friends... So I don't know how to make up." He lied as you had to stifle your laugh. "And I'd like your help with this." He finished as you curled up into a ball in the corner and laughed quietly.

"Ok, I got it! I'll lend you a hand since you're so servile and gloomy!" Soma smiled as he grabbed your brothers shoulders. "Hey." He warned as Soma simply ignored it. "How about eating some good curry together?" He suggested. "No, we can't."

"Why?" He asked as you sighed. "It seems he's so angry that he doesn't even want to see us. We feel it'd be best to know him better before talking to him." You explained "It's simple, observe Maurice closely and tell us about it. We're really interested in what he does inside the red house since we can't see." Ciel continued as you pointed a finger at Soma. "We want to know everything. And this is a secret!" You declared as you both held up your pointer fingers. "Okay, a secret!" Soma agreed as he used his finger to press against your and your brothers.

"I'm your best friend! Leave this to me!" "Yep, were counting on you..."


"Eek! I thought you couldn't bring your servants here!" Soma shrikes as you four met up in the chapel to discuss what he gathered. "We had no choice." Ciel explained "Lord Soma, please keep the fact that I am the young masters butler a secret. Other wise I will have to..." Sebastian threatened as Soma waved his hands. "I won't! I won't!"

"So, did you figure out anything?" You asked as your crossed your arms. "Yeah, actually. At night he secretly sends flower shaped cards to students in his dormitory. Lots of them!" Soma started as he used his fingers to explain the size of them. "Cards? He could just speak to them. We might finally get evidence." Sebastian smiled in relief as you placed a hand on your chin. "Now we just have to figure out how to 'make up'." "Ah! Also he-" Soma finished as you three seemed shocked.

"Young master, mistress..." Sebastian called you both as your brother placed a hand on your waist. "Yeah, we have all the pieces. Thank you, you were a great help." He concluded before thanking the prince who seemed happy to help and left with a cheerful step. "Let's plan a strategy, I believe there's a method we can use." You told the two as you tilted your head while pondering "We'll settle this tomorrow." You decided.

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