[75] She dead ass wants her to come over for a tea party 😧

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"You guys can come in

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"You guys can come in." You said as you turned towards the door. Just then the door slipped open as the servants came barging in. They all shouted and cried as Finny was the loudest. "Master! Mistress! You both are back to normal!!" He shouted as he ran towards you both only to be pulled by back Sebastian. "Hold it right there, they've finally recovered, are you trying to put them out again?" Sebastian asked the boy as he held him by his collar. "Ah! I'm sorry!!" He apologized as your brother calmly called him.

"Finny. Thank you for taking care of us, we're fine now." He reassured the older boy as you both held out your hands. He quickly called over to you both and held your hands as he placed them to his forehead and he cried. "Y...yes!!" You then turned towards the servants with a small smile. "You all come over as well. There is something important we have to tell you." You insisted as they all stood before you both after Finny collected himself.


"I'm sorry." You both told the servants simultaneously as they were shocked. "Wha... What?!" "Through our carelessness we have caused you to suffer and worry. Please forgive us." Ciel told them as you both bowed your heads.

"N-No! Young master, mistress!"
"Please raise your heads!"
"'You can't help being cursed!' says Emily."
"That's right!"

"No. Even up to us from yesterday, we were still ourselves. As your master and mistress we swear to never have you see us in such a state again." You firmly told them as you looked down into your lap as you clutched the nightgown given to you. "So that's why we wanted to ask... Please see us again from now on!" Ciel pleaded as they all bowed or saluted. "Yes my lord! Yes my lady!" They all said as Snake added. "Says Bronte." The other servants began scalding him as you seemed a bit uncomfortable as something was getting to you.

"It's a bit sudden but, as your mistress I have an order for you all. Please forget about how I acted up until yesterday, right now!" You ordered them with a puffed up face of embarrassment. The room suddenly went quiet as the only thing that could be heard was the whimper you made at them not responding. They all burst out into laughter as even Ciel fell back onto the bed.

"Young mistress, that'll be quite hard!"
"A-at your age it's fine to be like yesterday you know!"
"Ho ho ho."
"I value all my memories!"

"Ah, so that means you have memories up till yesterday, too?" Mey-Rin asked as you nodded. "I hate to admit it but yes. I didn't do those things because I want to, though." You admitted as Sebastian raised a brow. "Meaning?" "I got irritated and frustrated at certain things, I lost control of my emotions. I don't know how to put it into words." You explained "That happens on the battle field a lot though, doesn't it? Even a well trained soldier will panic when they get badly wounded unexpectedly. It happens a lot. It's only normal you got like that." Bard reassured

"It's true. When you both fell to the curse that appearance had quite an impact. I wonder if they were aiming for a phycological attack, too." Sebastian pointed out "Aim? What do you mean?" Ciel asked as Sebastian reached into his coat pocket. "Please read this." He pleaded as he handed you the letter. There were two separate papers as you read one and Ciel read the other. "What's this? C4, is it code?" Your brother questioned as his paper had a bunch of letters and numbers put together.

"It was an emergency so I had to make the decision myself, but I has the royal family do a component analysis on the plants from the 'werewolf forest'. And the 'magic cure' used to heal you both." Sebastian explained as your brother smirked. "Hmph, I see. So this is the true identity of the 'curse'!" He announced "Yes. And master Sullivan acted according to the werewolf's wishes. And is trying to complete the 'ultimate magic'." He informed as they all turned to you to see what your letter contained. "Hmm, she'd like to have master Sullivan stop by for some tea." You announced.


"'I'd be happy if the witch would come have tea with me' she says. As of it's that easy!" Ciel exclaimed as he read over the request. "As unexpected of her majesty. Even her selfishness is at a royal level." Sebastian commented as you huffed out before sitting straight. "We mustn't waste time, make preparations to leave. Further instructions will come after that." You ordered as the servants saluted "Yes madam!" "Sebastian dress me and tell me about the information gathered, Mey-Ron go get Y/n ready." Ciel ordered as you were guided to a separate room.


Sebastian carried you and your brother to the window of Sullivan's room as you gently knocked on the window. She woke up quickly. She then walked to the window. "Good evening, master Sullivan." Sebastian greeted as she grabbed a pair of crutches and walked to open the window. "H-how did you get all the way up here?! If you fall you'll die!" She exclaimed as Sebastian entered and set you both down. "Why are you surprised? You're a witch that flies through the air on a broom, are you not?" Ciel asked as he held your hand. "Y-Y/n! You're back to normal!!" She pointed out happily as you smiled and kneeled down to her height.

"Yes, thanks to you, master. We wanted to thank you before we left." You told her "You didn't need to..." She said awkwardly as you lightly laughed. "We even prepared the thing you want most." You told her as he eyes sparkled. "What I want most you say?" She asked "The outside world." Sebastian stated as she gasped. "The outside world?!"

"Yes. You can gain knowledge and experience that you would never be able to if you stay here. How about it?" Sebastian explained as she hesitated. "B-but... I'm the green witch, the village laws..." She trailed off. "I see. It can't be helped, then. I'm sorry she said such strange things." Ciel apologized while you stood up fully with a sad smile as you turned away. "You should close the window and get some sleep, then." Sebastian advised. "We'll be gone by morning, like a dream. Thank you. Friend. Good bye." You told her as your coat lightly trailed behind you as you walked away towards the window with your brother.

You felt a sudden tug on your coat "I- I'll come!" She declared as you both turned around to see her almost crying. "I want to know many more things!!" She cried out as you smiled at her softly. "Come, let's get you dressed." You told her as you picked her up and set her on her bed as you walked over and grabbed her clothes before dressing her fully.

"Go on, grab their hands." You insisted as she held onto one of Sebastian and Ciel's hands while you stood in front of the window. "We'll show you the real outside world."


"Hey, where are we going? This is not 'outside' on the contrary, we're going deep into the green palace." Sullivan pointed out as your brother turned his head while lifting up the lamp a bit higher. "The 'outside world' is over here." He said as you three rounded a corner and slipped through a wall where the bricks were removed. "Don't tell me you want to-" she gasped as Sebastian hushed her. "Shh. If you want to raise your voce the werewolves will find us." He warned as you four proceeded.


You three entered a cage like elevator and made your way down to a room that held a bright circle on the middle. "Is this the magic circle? The 'duty of the green witch' was to creat this circle, wasn't it??" Sebastian asked as she gasped. "How did you know?!" She questioned as he chuckled. "A snake told me." He revealed "You can speak with snakes... Are you a 'warlock'?" She asked him "I'm not a warlock. I'm simply one hell of a butler." He replied as she looked at him in awe. "You have an amazing magical talent. I want your fabulous DNA!" She exclaimed

"Stop chattering." Your brother ordered as you turned your head back to look at them. "What's the 'duty of the green witch'?" You asked before you turned around fully with your brother doing the same. "Is it connected to the fact that you can't do outside?" You questioned as she looked down before ultimately deciding to tell you. "I think I told you werewolves are clad in miasma. An 'evil magic' that harms human beings." She started before explaining fully. "The source of miasma." Your brother asked as she announced "Following the werewolves request, all the witches before me kept on researching the formula to create miasma and this is what I have the werewolves. The formula to activate the ultimate magic!"

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