[27] Bro the little boy is not lying 😦

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"Master, mistress, may I offer you a cup of tea?" Sebastian offered as you three were currently on a train

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"Master, mistress, may I offer you a cup of tea?" Sebastian offered as you three were currently on a train. "I've always found the scent of Williamson and Magor's Summer Darjeeling to be the perfect complement to the view from a train window. Wouldn't you agree, sir, madam?" The butler added and was met with silence as your brother was frowning and you were pouting while looking out the window with your brother.

"Come, my lord, my lady. We are meant to be acting as if we're off on holiday. We don't want o be found out. Please try to muster up a bit of levity." Sebastian pleaded as you both sat up "Yes, yes, we know." Ciel answered "You both seemed bothered as of late. Have the Trancys so preoccupied you?" Sebastian asked

"They haven't. We are curious, of course, but for the moment, that's all. The queens orders take priority over all else." You answered before scooting over to the window and lifted the blinds to see a man in a corner holding a bag "That's lord Ackroyd, then, and the kidnapped boy was his only son." You concluded

"Yes. If the police are informed, the hostage will be summarily killed. Instructions Lord Ackroyd received indicated he should deliver the ransom on this train." Sebastian informed "The ransom of £5,000, was it?" Ciel asked "Is that the going rate for boys sold, these day? You humans have an interesting way of pricing these things." Sebastian asked, joking.

"The man responsible for the kidnapping must be on the train. We'll find him, take him into custody, and save Lord Ackroyd's son. That should dispel her majesty's distress." Ciel went over the plan as Sebastian agreed "Indeed."

You, Ciel and Sebastian walked out of your compartment as a man laughed "It's the find of the century, I'm telling you! Yours truly discovered none other than the Pharoah Smenkhare, hidden deep within the valley of kings." He bragged "How crass for a man to brag about robbing a grave." Ciel commented "How unattractive." You added with a bored sigh "I was fortunate enough to have met the pharaoh during his lifetime, actually. I found him an affable man of impeccable virtue." Sebastian told

"It's odd. Even taking into account the desiccation, his face is quite different than I remember." Sebastian recalled as you frowned "The mummy is a fake, then. Perhaps that means the archeologist is our kidnapper." You suggested "I couldn't say, my lady." Just as Sebastian said that, a man guffawed about the time.

"He's reading the timetables." Ciel pointed out "I'd say he's developed a rather unhealthy obsession with them." Sebastian commented as your brother made a move to walk forward but accidentally kicked a bag. "Careful, you damned brat!" An angry man cursed at him

"I see you've from Japan, my good sir. The scrollwork on your furoshiki wrapping cloth is exquisite." Sebastian complimented as he bent down to pick it up but the man quickly snatched it. "Hands off! This is a family heirloom." He shouted

"I'm sorry my boy. He's so stubborn when it comes to his things. Please accept this as an apology." An elderly woman walked uo to your brother and held up a small tray of rice balls. "Thank you. My lord has already taken his tea." Sebastian covered uo for him

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