[78] How to make a huge oven in two easy steps

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"Thanks to that thing the army can carry huge cannons on land that before could be only used at sea

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"Thanks to that thing the army can carry huge cannons on land that before could be only used at sea. Isn't England building them too?" Deidrich asked as you all were running from the panzer that didn't seem to want to stop. "Apparently but they're not complete yet!" You replied as you looked back while making sure you kept a firm grip on your brothers hand. "I didn't know Germany had come this far already!!" Ciel exclaimed as you all ducked into trees when soldiers came out of the sides and began shooting.

Baldroy brought out his gun and shot back as best as he could but the shots left hardly a dent. "Not even a scratch?!" He exclaimed "Hey stubble! If the main cannon gets us we're dead in an instant! Now we've gotta run!" Diedrich urged Baldroy before turning to you both as you all began running again. "Children! How did you think you could run away from that?!" He exclaimed as your brother replied over the shots. "We weren't expecting something like that!"

"On the eastern shore of the forest there's a military railway that was used to transport the materials used to build 'Wolfsschlucht'. If the train is still going we can escape on that!" The man informed "Good to know. Let's bet on that." You replied when you heard a loud thump and your brother groan as you all looked back to see he fell. Your eyes went wide before you sprinted but you had tripped over a stump, eventually falling alongside your brother as you saw how they were reading the cannon before thinking quickly and covered your brothers body using your own. "Children!!" Diedrich called out as a loud boom echoed out.

"Uff you're pretty battered." Sebastian commented as he held your brothers body and had held the leg you tripped to check for injuries. "Can you move it alright my lady?" He asked as he rotated it. "I'm fine." You huffed out before laying down on the ground with a sigh. "You went as far as to dress up but this is the result. You should have left everything to me." He mocked Ciel as he held a face of pain. "Shut up. You should've come earlier then." He retorted as Diedrich got up "Hurry up, another one is coming!" He warned as Sebastian placed the sulin in your arms before picking you up with his unoccupied arm and running along with the others.

"These are all the samples?" You asked as you held the case and tried looking back at the panzer. "Yes, every one." He confirmed as you turned your head to the two servants. "Bard, Snake. Go to the railway with Diedrich!" You ordered as they saluted. "Yes madam!" "Says Oscar." "Diedrich, you will carry the sulin." Your brother ordered as you gave him the box as he tossed it to the man who lightly panicked. "Why are you giving me the worst job?! Like father like-" "We trust you." Ciel interrupted the mans complaints as you focused on the panzer. "We'll try to do something about that, Sebastian." You ordered as he nodded. "Yes, my lady."


"Hey. Can you put me down already." Ciel asked as he was getting tired of being carried, you had been out down already and were just circling the two. "I can't. Unfortunately I forgot to bring an extra pair of shoes. As a butler I can't let my master walk barefoot. Also, you happen to be so petite that you can lose as the green witch. You can stay like this, you look graceful enough." Sebastian teased as your brother glared at him "You..."

"I'm joining. Well then, young master, mistress." Sebastian reminded as you both lifted your eye patches "This is an order! Destroy that panzer!" You both shouted simultaneously as the man smirked. "Yes, my lord, my lady." Just as he said that the panzer seemed to bring out machine guns from its sides. You and Sebastian split up as you ran into the trees. You saw how Sebastian would zig zag around before stomping on the side of the panzer to test the thickness of the steel.

Just as that happened more soldiers came out from the sides before shooting at the two as they jumped back near where you were. You furrowed your brows, trying to think of a weak area for the panzer. 'Too much steel would make it much slower. Possibly the top could be the weak areas but maybe the bottom as well?' you thought to yourself as your brother seemed to think the same thing because you both made eye contact and shared looks before nodding.

Sebastian set out to distract the soldiers by jumping up and about and as he jumped over them, gaining their attention you jumped down from the tree and quickly broke the neck of the nearest soldier to steal his gun. You then shot the remaining soldiers in fatal areas, even if they hadn't died immediately from the gunshot wounds they died after you threw a marmalade bomb in the pile of their bodies as you jumped away to where your brother and Sebastian stood. "It was a good idea to get this from Bard." Ciel grinned as he held an extra marmalade bomb and the remaining soldiers screamed in pain at being burned alive. You could hear shouting coming from inside the panzer as it began to point itself to you three. Sebastian picked you up on his other arm as you heard it begin to ready itself.

"It's coming Sebastian. Go!" You ordered as the man ran up to the cannon and kicked the head of it. Messing up the firing completely and even seeming to affect the ones inside as you could hear groans and shouts. "Alright, you two will have to sit tight for the time being." Sebastian informed as he placed you both down on the ground to the side so he could test out the weak area of the panzer. "How did you even lose your shoes?" You asked Ciel as he shrugged. "I looked down and they were gone." He replied as he lifted up his shoeless feet.

You hummed in a calm tone but you both flinched at the loud and sudden boom come from another marmalade bomb as Sebastian quickly sweeped you both up off the ground. "Woah! It's so bright! You could cook a large pie in there!" You said in amazement at the large flame made of the panzer. "Now it doesn't look like a 'moving battle ship'. More like a moving oven." Your brother joked as the soldiers inside screamed. "You are right." Sebastian agreed as you three gazed upon the fire. Sebastian then turned to walk away as you motioned you wanted to step down and he let you with a small hop. You then went to the arm your brother sat on and held his hand while you three walked but you heard shots firing and the leaves around you lifting up as you jumped to see where it came from.

Sebastian and Ciel also looked around as you noticed a small glare from a tree. You made eye contact with a disfigured soldier, a sniper that might've gotten away probably as you untied the bow on your skirt before running to the tree they were situated at. You quickly covered their sight with the cloth and snatched their gun from their hands before shooting them in the throat, letting their body fall to the ground and bleed out as you also heard some bones cracking. You sighed and leaned your head against the trunk when you felt a sudden alertness fill you as you immediately turned around to see two grim reapers that came to collect souls.

They were looking at you and your brother who had also turned back to look at them as the two seemed surprised you both noticed them. The seemingly taller one was holding his death scythe and rested his arm on the head of a cheery Grim reaper who had a bit of longer hair and was holding a book while also having a camera around their neck. You tilted your head at their calm appearances until you looked at their clothes once more before realizing they were Grim reapers. They seemed to mumble to each other when the taller one checked the watch on his wrist and straightened himself up. The cheery reaper understood that it was time to depart as they gave you and your brother a small wave before they both disappeared.

"My lady, please come down. We must go now." Sebastian insisted as he stood below the tree with your brother. "Right." You agreed as you jumped down abd Sebastian caught you quickly. "From how they're dressed, they're grim reapers on the job. I thought I saw cinematic records somewhere." You pointed out as Ciel tugged the sleeves of your outfit. "What were you thinking? Chasing after a sniper?! You could've gotten a splinter!" He scolded as you frowned and complained "I just bought these heels! I want about to let them ruin the metal!"


"Traitor! Die! Green witch." Hilde shouted as she pointed a gun to the train that Sullivan was on. She had just shot Wolfram through his back and he was trying to fight through his injuries as Sebastian walked up behind her. "Oh. Some food escaped from the oven. I guess the fire wasn't strong enough." He sighed before using a butter knife to stab through the soldiers neck as she spat out blood and fell limp as he pulled out the knife and blood spilled out. Sebastian then continued walking as you could see Wolfram still trying to get to Sullivan. "Lady... You... You're not a witch. You're a normal girl." He revealed with a smile before falling limp. "WOLF!"

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