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A beautiful young girl dressed nicely walked down the streets to a certain woman's house, said girl had snuck out of her manor to pay a visit to the woman

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A beautiful young girl dressed nicely walked down the streets to a certain woman's house, said girl had snuck out of her manor to pay a visit to the woman. She neared her destination when she saw the woman had already opened the door, conversing with an elderly woman who had owned a shop. The beauty happened to be you as the two women gave you their attention.

"My, you're the girl I saw with Abberline." The woman recalled as the younger tilted her head. "Yes, I've um... I've come bearing news and gifts." You said awkwardly, motioning to the basket on your hand as the gifts you and Ciel had sent earlier seems to have gotten to the woman already. "I'm in a hurry, so I'll leave this here, please read the letter when you have the time. Have a good day." You bowed before placing down the basket and walking off. "What a bewitching girl." The woman commented "Yes, indeed, y/n? I think her name is. She's popular for her beauty, she's even earned herself names and she doesn't even know it." The elder woman chuckled

"Her majesty arrived in Paris three days ago. She should be visiting the exposition now. I'm sure the hotel will be heavily guarded, so we.. master? Mistress?" Sebastian called out to you two for your attentions as your minds seemed to be somewhere else. "Yes, what is it?" Your brother gasped as you shook your head before giving Sebastian your attention "Well, sir, your mind seems to be adrift." He pointed out as you sighed before looking back.

"It's what Lau said, that the queen wants to plunge Europe- no, the entire world into war. It makes me uneasy." You answered as your brother nodded his head in agreement "Is that why you seek an audience with her majesty?" Sebastian asked "No." your brother answered simply "Well then, is it because your hearts were so moved by the death of Abberline?" Sebastian tried again but was denied "It isn't." You answered

"They have all been our pawns from the beginning. He was a pawn. A disobedient pawn who ignored our will and kept sticking his nose in." Ciel recalled "The same goes for Lau. If you can't control your pawns, well then, you can't play the game. That's all there is to it." He finished as you rubbed his arm in a comforting way.

Sebastian listed the activities available and the places available to visit as you three stood looking over the city, "This is quite a special occasion. Perhaps we should look around some more, my lord, my lady, as research for the company." He suggested as you both grunted in response.

"You're sure?" A man passing by asked his companion as they walked past you three and allowed you all to listen in. "Yes, they say there's a stuffed angel at the palace of wonders!" They responded as you tilted your head with a raised brow. "A stuffed angel?" You then shared looks with Sebastian and your brother.

"Pathetic. It's nothing more than a stuffed monkey. What a bore. Let's move on." Ciel ordered as you and Sebastian followed after him, disappointed it wasn't anything more. As you three were walking away however, a high pitched scream was heard and then glass breaking followed after and you three turned around to see the monkey fly in the air and swing down for both of you but didn't as Sebastian had you two duck down.

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