[40] Go back mimi's

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"Are you really sure you wish to follow your brother?" Aunt An asked as she was dressing you

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"Are you really sure you wish to follow your brother?" Aunt An asked as she was dressing you. "I do, I very much do. It was so humiliating, everything. And he understands, he always does... we're almost the exact same person, he went through so much more though, it pains me to know that he had to deal with so much while I complain about so little. He is like the sun to me, I know it's strange to say so but he just is." You explained to her as she braided your hair. "He said the exact same thing about you one time, he told me that you were his sun and moon, his motivation." She confessed as you laughed. "Well I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star. He has so much to do while I have nothing ahead of me."

You woke up from your sleep whispering for someone. "Brother..." you called when you heard the sound of snoring next to you, it seems like Doll did take your offer. "I'm here, Y/n." Ciel told you and caressed your cheek as you noticed your beds were pushed together. "Where's Sebastian?" You asked sleepily, still in a Feverish haze. "He's not here because I'd ordered him to identify the man with the ring." He reminded before calming you with a few shush's to get you back to sleep.

You woke up again to the feeling of a hand on your forehead, checking your temperature. "Well, good morning, my lady. Are you with us?" He asked as your warm eyes felt like closing so you closed them but answered. "I am." You then looked over to see that Doll had left and it was just you and your brother who was just staring at you. "Your fevers seem to have come down. Are you both on the mend? How are you feeling?" Sebastian asked you both. "Not well yet, but I am better than yesterday." You brother replied as he sat up. "My eyes feel so warm... and I feel gross." You said as you coughed into your elbow while you sat up shakily. "We'll get you changed and freshened up once we arrive, mistress." Sebastian reassured

Ciel began coughing as well as Sebastian handed you both a glass of water. "Here, drink some water." "You appear to be missing your gloves. Your nails and our contract seal are showing." Ciel groaned as you slouched while drinking the water, too tired to sit up right. "Ah, yes... I'm afraid I might have soiled them just a touch." He replied with a smile as you tried waking yourself up. "The errand he gave you... I assume you have been able to complete it by this point?" You asked while watching as your hands shook and struggled to hold the glass with how weak you felt.

"Yes, of course. There's no need to remain here any longer. We can leave unobtrusively while everyone is breaking their fast." Sebastian answered as he pulled both of your covers off and picked you both up carefully. "I feel cold." You complained as Sebastian placed a blanket to cover you both. "I assure you, my lady, once we get to the house you'll feel as warm as you'd like."

"Ciel! Y/n! Where have you been? You left for two whole days and Y/n was missing for a month!" Soma exclaimed as he pointed at you both. "It is very good to see you." Agni greeted, opposite from his master. "Where we've been is none of your affair." You said before coughing. "What is wrong? You two look as pale as ghosts." Soma asked as he noticed your current states. "It's nothing, we're fine. Leave us be." Ciel brushed off as Sebastian carried you both upstairs. "It sounds serious! I think you're lying! You obviously caught a very bad cold! Do you have a fever, too?" Soma asked in concerns as he followed you three. "No, we've no fever." You brushed off once more as Soma objected.
"You're lying again!" "No, I'm not."

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