[63] dude took his hat 😹

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"I'm sure there will be some fierce competition

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"I'm sure there will be some fierce competition. So please enjoy tonight's festivities to your hearts content." Mr. Agares stated as he went to step down but fell onto his forehead again, making it bleed.

"I wonder what he's always tripping over?" You said as you tilted your head and raised a brow. You had let go of your brother for a bit to go and eat when you suddenly got swarmed by boys and their families.
"Such a pretty face! Those papers really aren't bluffing!"
"Are you betrothed?"
"How did you get into the school?"
"I'll pay you to marry my son!"
"Mama! It's a pretty girl!"
"Truly a born noble!"
"I heard she was a main figure in saving those people on the Campania from those- things!"
"I heard she's a good fencer!"
"She looks like a doll!"
"Oh, thank you, you're too kind! You must stop, I'll start blushing!" You said with a kind smile and played with your hair as elderly women came up to admire your features. "What good skin, you'll have beautiful children one day." An elderly woman said as she felt your hand. "She's cared for and well fed, look at her hair!" Another woman argued as she brushed her fingers through it. "She's a proper lady. Look at how she holds herself! I can already see her being an important woman one day!" Another added. "Go away Trudy! You and your disgrace of a family!"

"Please, madams, don't fight. I must go eat but please enjoy the festivities!" You excused yourself with a bright smile before turning away. "Touching my hair and hands, they all stunk. Disgusting." You cursed as you adjusted your hair and scrubbed your hands with your uniform skirt and walked over to your brother who you locked arms with.

Meanwhile, Bluer was getting swarmed by his sister's who teased and smiled at him. One of his sisters turned to see you and your brother. "My. You're the Phantomhives, aren't you?" She asked as she pointed at you both. "Bluer wrote to me about an amazingly talented first year and the schools flower, saying she was of amazing talent." She revealed "Thank you very much." You smiled sweetly as you bowed "My, aren't you kind of cute!" Another of his elder sisters said as she grabbed you both and turned you two to one of their younger sisters.

"His looks, brains and lineage are all good. He's ideal." The first sister confirmed as the other smiled "How about it? Won't you take our little sister to be your wife?" She asked your brother who exclaimed "What?!" "Sister stop it!!" The younger sister ordered as she was turning red

"What are you getting all red for?"
"That's unbecoming, Adela."

"Um, no..." Your brother refused "Ciel!" Elizabeth shouted as she walked up with her family. "Nice to meet you everyone. I'm Ciel's fiancee, Elizabeth!" She introduced herself shyly as the elder sister sighed. "Ciel you bastard even though you have Lizzy you-" Edward shouted at your brother as he shook him. "Ahhh, so he has one after all." The other sister sighed "All the good guys are already taken..." The other sighed before turning to you. "How about you? You're not betrothed right? You're pretty and your countess!" She asked as you backed up with a shocked face "I've already gotten proposed to twice tonight, I'll think about it and tell you later..." You said and turned around to bump into somebody accidentally.

"Blue house is noisy as always. Now my lady, I finally get to see your face-" Redmond said as he turned you around to face him and he froze. "Hmm? You haven't seen Y/n's face yet?" Soma asked with a tilt of his head as Redmond looked over your features. "Such a beautiful maiden! And to think that the school request that you hide such a face I am near to ruins! Phantomhive you are a lucky boy!" He dramatically said as he fell back onto Soma who caught him. "Right you are, Edgar!" A voice said when you turned around to see Lord Druitt.

"If she's this beautiful at her youth when she turns into a graceful young woman the world will have its eyes on her!!" Druitt declared as he spun you twice before holding you by your hands, like a puppet doll of sorts. "What a pleasure, lord Druitt." You forced yourself to say as you bowed to the man, creating distance. "Non! I should be the one bowing to such a beauty! Dressed so carefully even the slightest glint of your beauty would make the dead want to rise back up to just be around you! What an honour that I even breathe the same air as you!" He complimented as he kneeled and held your hand.

"Brother! Is that the Lord and lady of Scotney?" You suddenly turned to your brother who was nearby and locked arms with him, slipping away from the students of red house. "My lord, my lady. What a pleasure to greet you both tonight." You smiled at the couple with a bow. "Oh, Y/n! My favorite niece looks so adorable!" Uncle Alex said as he gave you a hug which you returned

"Hmph, I don't like flashy men like that. Touching Y/n like that, a proper gentleman would be gentle, not sudden." Aunt Frannie huffed as she crossed her arms and frowned at Lord Druitt. She then restrained Sebastian and yelled at him about his hairstyle and pulled at his hair as you turned to Edward. "It'll be fun playing together, it'll be much different from when we were younger though." You smiled at him as he looked at you softly and smoothed over your hair. "It'll be hard knowing I'll be playing against you, but let's hope for a fair game." He said as you both shook hands with smiles.

"Oh mother who is that? Mr. Michaelis are you acquainted with my mother?" Edward asked Sebastian, not knowing it was actually him along with Uncle Alex. "What are you two saying? Mr. Michaelis is..." Elizabeth whispered to the two who he was as he winked. "It's been a long time." He greeted the two.

"Oh! I hadn't noticed a thing!" Uncle Alex said "Me neither." Edward agreed. "Edward, I thought you noticed but just didn't say anything!" Your brother exclaimed as he stood next to you and held you by your waist as usual. "When Lizzie's around, I don't see anything else of course." Edward reasoned as your brother sighed. "Don't say that like it's normal." He said as Edward argued back "Don't act like the same thing doesn't happen with N/n!"

"I'm going to cheer you both on loads so be sure to win okay!!" Elizabeth cheered as she hugged you both. "Well I'm sure we'll win if you'll be cheering us on." You smiled at her as she hugged your head. "You're just so cute! I'll be sure to dress you up when you come home, 'kay?" She said as you nodded your head. "Hmph, I don't want to let blue house win but N/n is in it as well. It's so hard!" Edward shouted as Uncle Alex patted your back. "Well that isn't set in stone. In the past, blue house has won once too." He informed

"A-are you perhaps talking about the blue miracle?!" McMillan asked as he suddenly appeared and looked at Uncle Alex in awe. "I'm Phantomhive and the lady's best friend, McMillan. I'd love to hear that story Marquis!" He introduced himself to the man as he shook his hand quickly. "Alright then. It was around that time I was a fag to green house's prefect, just like Ed." Uncle Alex started and told about your father making a promise with Mr. Deiderich.


"And I just feel the same will happen soon, why I get reminded of that memory whenever I see her little beauty mark." Uncle Alex finished as he tapped the mark on the corner of your left eye you got from your father. "My predecessor was in blue house?" Ciel asked as McMillan was excited. "To think your daddy was the central figure in the blue miracle!" "You didn't know Papa came here? I thought you did, he told me about it." You asked your brother as Uncle Alex sighed. "I see, even your brother didn't know."

"Uhh, father you were a fag?..." Elizabeth asked "So you're actually younger than Uncle Vincent...." Edward trailed off at the realization "It was a truly brilliant game. It's hard to admit it but we lost completely." Uncle Alex admitted before turning to you and your brother and holding your shoulders firmly. "You two have the blood of a genius game maker running through your veins. Work hard." He told you both as you nodded. "Yes sir!"

"Oh, they're starting something!" Soma announced as Mr. Agares stood at the stand once more. "I'm sorry to have kept you all waiting. We will now decide the competition roster by drawing lots." He announced as he held four small wooden pieces representing a house. "Please lend me your hat." He asked Clayton who did so without hesitation and he dropped the pieces inside the hat to act as a bowl of sorts. You looked beside you to see your brother thinking hard, you patted his arm in comfort and rested your head on his shoulder and continued looking ahead.

"Well then, will the drawers, the house masters come forward!" Mr. Agares called as each master of the house came forward to draw a lot. "I will now present the roster for the first round!"

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