[37] He is THIS close to blowing your cover

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You waited at the entrance for Ciel and Sebastian to walk in

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You waited at the entrance for Ciel and Sebastian to walk in. You already had on your performance clothes and ate early to wait for the two of them as they came into view, you looked around to see if anyone was looking and sprung up to them. "Oh, brother! I've missed you so much!" You whisper shouted as you hugged his shoulders. "I've missed you too, moonflower. They've been treating you well, right?" He asked as he hugged your waist and pulled away to caress your cheek. "Yup, I even got a snake to carry around with me! His name is Mikaela." You told him as he opened his eyes in surprise.

"What a beautiful viper, my lady. At least you have some protection with you." He complimented as you nodded. "Come on in, they're all waiting for you." You told them as you lead them through the busy area and to Joker. "Joker, they're here." You informed him as he smiled. "Wonderful, knew I could count on yeh, dear!" He praised as he ruffled your hair that was left down. People eventually began circling around at the sight of new people.

"Look at this fellow. What an adorable little sprog you brought us. You are a boy, aren't yeh?" Joker asked Ciel as answered in the spot. "Yes. I've been in service as a page boy for some time now. My name, uh, is Finnian. It's a pleasure to meet you all." He introduced himself with a fake name and occupation as Joker walked up for further inspection. "That's quite an imposing name for a sprat like you! No worries. We'll give yeh a proper stage name." He reassured your brother before getting real close. "Are yeh really sure that you're a boy, though?" He asked again

"Quite sure. Yes, quite." He answered quickly as you noticed some of the women began circling around Sebastian, admiring him. "Well, being adorable won't see yeh through a circus, lad. Got to have talent, too. So, what're you good at?" Joker asked him as he tilted his head. "I don't know. I'm good with darts, I suppose." He answered after you mounted to him 'darts' considering he liked to throw them around the manor and mostly at the servants.

"Hmm... knife throwing is closest, then. Dagger! Give him some knives." Joker ordered as Dagger picked up some and dropped them in Ciel's hands. "Here ya go!" "Oh, thank you..." Ciel said unenthusiastically as Joker pointed to the stand you set up. "All right, then. Let's see you hit the target." Joker challenged as he seemed to tense up at the far distance.

"That's cruel! You might as well have out the target in the next country over. There's no way 'is tiny little arms can throw that far." Dagger teased "I'm not being cruel in the slightest. I cant put it right next to him, can I?" Joker retorted as you nudged the both of them. "Hush up, I have high hopes for him." You whispered to the two as Ciel threw the first knife, already looking like it would fall to the ground.

"I wouldn't really do that if I were you, little fellas already fail-" Dagger stopped mid sentence when he saw the knife actually hit the target. "Cor!" Joker and Dagger shouted at the same time as Ciel began throwing multiple knives carelessly but still hitting the target with the help of Sebastian who was using rocks to hit the bottom of the knives to go into the direction he wanted. "Shall I throw another set?" Ciel asked as he presented his knives.

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