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"Young master, mistress

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"Young master, mistress. It is time to wake up." Sebastian told you both as you groaned and only dug your head into the pillow while Ciel threw his legs onto yours lazily. "Master, mistress. You both must get up and get dressed." Sebastian reminded as he pulled off the covers, making you two cold immediately as you both cuddled into each other for warmth. "Put them back this instant! It's freezing!" Your brother groaned as you grabbed the pillow from under your head and looked for the opening of the pillow case to tuck your legs inside and warm them up that way.

"Mistress! That is not how pillows must be used!" Sebastian scolded as he snatched the pillow from you, making you whine before you rolled off the bed slowly and got up to go through your brother's closet and use the secret passageway to get into your own closet and meet Mey-Rin in your bedroom.

"My lady! Why, you look tired yes you do!" She exclaimed as she noticed your bed head and your eyes that were this close to closing again. "We must get you ready or else you won't be able to wake up fully for the day! Come, let's rinse your face!" She said as she took you to your bathroom and filled the sink with cold water. She then guided you to rinse your face as you immediately woke up. "This house is so cold in the morning!" You exclaimed as you ran back to your room to get dressed finally.


"Ciel! Y/n! What is the meaning of this?!" Soma exclaimed as he bursted through the doors. "You both quit school without telling me?!" He yelled as he shook your both by your collars. "Y-you can just stay until you graduate, right? It'll be a good way to learn about British society!" Your brother tried reasoning as he crossed his arms. "But it's so boring if you're not there! Besides, the teaching are far too easy! I learnt these things when I was a child!" He complained "Woah, really?! What do you know now? Can you teach me?" You asked him as you pulled at his sleeve, completely opposite of what the other two said. "T-that's absurd."

"Even though it's a rotten school, it's still only for the exceptionally gifted and royalty..." Sebastian reminded, as you heard Agni. "That's right! The court professors pride themselves on the prince's brilliance!" He added happily as your brother sighed while Soma leaned over his shoulder, trying to get his attention. "So you came too, huh..."

"Yes! It's been a while since I saw you last." Agni said as Sebastian raised a brow. "A while? I saw you at Weston high just recently, didn't I?" He doubted Agni who froze up. "WHAAAAT?!" "It was when master Soma enrolled. Isn't this what happened?" He asked, teasing Agni who was panicking and trying to stop him from saying more. "No, but, that's!!!"

"And weren't you at the cricket tournament as well? When I provided the 'special' pie for red house. Don't you remember that either?" He asked as you saw Soma getting increasingly angry. "M-mr. Sebastian, that's!!" "AGGGGGHNNNNNIIIIIIIII" Soma yelled at Agni as you hummed and watched as Sebastian helped Ciel put on his coat before you placed a hat on his head. "We'll be going out for a bit, we're leaving the place to you!" You announced before you grabbed your brothers wrist and ran down the hall.

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