[24] yall...

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Sebastian currently had you both on a small boat while he paddled

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Sebastian currently had you both on a small boat while he paddled. The sight of the burnt and dead bodies along with a singular white feather made you uncomfortable and hug Ciels arm for comfort. "Where is it we're going?" He asked Sebastian as you three were about to go under a bridge. "There are several bridges referred to as 'Devil's bridge' because supposedly they were made by demons, and then there is the tower bridge which in all likelihood the angel instructed her majesty to build." Sebastian informed as the sight of an uncompleted tower came into view after crossing the bridge.

"Are those... human sacrifices?" You asked, seeing faces crying out and wailing from the walls of the bridge. "How can anyone ever consider this to be a holy bridge? Just how?!" You questioned, the fact that the emotions on their faces were visible creeped you out. "One can go too far at which point good becomes worse than evil." Sebastian commented as he tied a rope to a small port and got off. "Master, mistress, could you please wait here for me?" He requested but was denied

"No, we are coming with you." Your brother declared as you nodded with determination"If I may be clear, you'd hold me back." Sebastian tried to reason "I see, so you're saying you can't handle him if you're fettered down?" Ciel mocked "If you would so prefer. You shall have the best views in the house, my young lord, lady." Sebastian accepted as as carried you on his back while Ciel was being held on his arm and climbed up the ladder to the tower.

"Why did you kill the queen?" You asked Ash, who was on another part of the unfinished tower. "Her eyes became clouded." He responded "Her eyes?" You asked "They should have been firmly fixed on the future but held captive by the past, they dulled and rotted so I had no other choice. I had to purify her." He clarified as Sebastian sat you both down on a stack of steal platforms waiting to be out together. "The seat may be uncomfortable but I believe it will offer you the best vantage." Sebastian said.

"Indeed." Your brother agreed as the man stood up tall "Master, mistress, your orders now?" He asked as you both pulled off your eyepatches as you simultaneously declared "My orders are, kill the angel now!"

"As you wish, my lord, my lady." Sebastian followed with a kneel and a hand on his chest before beginning to fight Ash.

They seem to be almost on par with each other, but that was the least of your worries when Sebastian started getting bombared with black matter. "Sebastian!" You shouted as more and more blobs of the black mass came from different directions. There was so much that they completely covered Sebastian and Ash from view. But they seemed to also be forming together and making a ring in the sky. Some of them also started heading for you two as you both held each other protectively from the matter.

A sudden light protruded from the matter and the sight of Sebastian's severed off arm caught of your attention as your eyes widened. Maniacal laughter could be heard as the mass opened up on some parts, allowing you both to see the fight happening inside. "Sebastian!" Your brother called as said man took a glance at the both of you and saw your situation. His attention was shifted back to Ash who kept trying to stab him with his sword but suddenly the matter started disappearing rapidly.

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