[21] Bro missed so much 😹

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Sebastian guided you and Ciel down the stairs as your servants stood before it lined up and standing still

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Sebastian guided you and Ciel down the stairs as your servants stood before it lined up and standing still. "Good morning. Hope you slept well, sir, madam." They greeted in unison with smiles as you two walked past them. "Good morning." You two greeted back, you tried to muster a smile while Ciel kept his frown.

They were curious about your behavior and started questioning to themselves.
"Master? Mistress?"
"Feeling down, they are."
"'Fraid so, the mistress didn't even sound the least bit happy."

Pluto's howling could be heard as he did so loudly while Sebastian served breakfast and gave Ciel his newspaper. "I imagine this year's exposition will be grand. It is the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. They're building a colossal tower in Paris for the World's Fair, I hear. The Eiffel Tower, I believe they're calling it." Sebastian started as you both read over the news paper to see an image of the Eiffel Tower. "Yes." Ciel confirmed as it said so in bold letters on the paper.

"Doesn't it recall you to the Tower of Babel when the people incurred God's wrath trying to build a tower to the heavens?"Asked the butler "Yes." "Ash has informed me her majesty will be traveling covertly to Paris to see it for herself." He added as the same yes was answered again by your brother.

"Will Earl Grey do today, sir, madam?" Asked the man as he poured both of you a cup "It will do just fine." You answered in a tone unlike yourself "Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived an old man and an even older woman." Sebastian said in a storytelling voice as Ciel threw down his paper to question him "What the devil are you talking about."

"Ah, so you are listening to me, my lord." Sebastian confirmed as the boy took a sip of his tea. "Yes, of course I am." There was a small silence in the room before you turned your head to your butler "Has there been any word from her majesty about the incident the other day?" You asked "None. I'm sorry." He answered as he went back to his cart to pour your cup.

"I see. Good then." You answered and looked down to peel off the skin around your thumb that you have a habit of picking.

"That fool!" Ciel muttered as he was staring out the window, remembering a certain inspector. You turned your head to him from your spot on the chair. "I'm having undertaker take care of him, and I've already had some things mailed to his fiancée, what an unfortunate woman..." you sighed as Ciel took his spot next to you and rested his head on your shoulder. "You're too caring, Y/n." Your brother told you as you huffed out a laugh. "Then you'd be ten times more, considering all the things you've done." You teased as your brother grumbled before burying his head in your neck to block out your words.

You were currently outside with Elizabeth playing with Pluto, you sat on his neck while Elizabeth just pet him when suddenly the servants asked Elizabeth a question. "You want to know about the Phantomhive manor?" She asked "Yes, uh, we were wondering what it was like here, before we were all hired." Finny confirmed "I remember it so well." She started as you listened in.

"Ciels father and mother and aunt, they smiled all the time. Ciel did, too. All the time! Especially Y/n, she was so sweet even when she was tired, she would be able to get Ciel to smile even when he scraped his knee. The Phantomhive home was always full of smiles." She told "That's it!" Finny and Mey-Rin concluded as they both smiled before cheering. "We just have to fill the manor full of smiles again, and make the mistress happy to make the master happy!" Finny exposed "That'll help the master and mistress recover their spirits again, yes it will!" Mey Rin explained as Elizabeth squealed, loving the idea.

"Right. We just supposed to smile like lunatics for no reason?" Bardroy sarcastically said as the servants forced him to smile as he gave in and did so. "Oh goodie! I'll help out as well!" Elizabeth stated when the wind howled and the servants tensed up. You jumped off of Pluto and into Finny's arms while Bardroy carried Elizabeth as they all ran back to the manor.

Pluto stood guard in front of the manor snarling as the servants ran inside and Finny finally set you down. "Make sure you stay on guard out there alright? Remember, the statues were moved to the-" You were about to inform Finny where you had the statues he threw relocated but was interrupted by Elizabeth shouting. "What was the meaning of that?!"

"There's some time yet before dinner. Please repair to the salon until then, lady Elizabeth." Sebastian requested of the girl as they stood up. "What is going on, Sebastian?" She asked as you took a hold of her hand "It's nothing! I was growing bored outside, especially since the weather seems a bit down! Come on, I'll see if I can get Ciel to teach you how to play chess!" You smiled at her as she nodded her head rapidly before you dragged her away, not before sending a look to the servants who nodded their heads in understanding.

Ciel was currently stacking card by himself, considering you left him to go entertain Elizabeth, when you opened the door. "Brother! Look who came to see you!" You exclaimed as Elizabeth walked in behind you with a smile. "Hello, Elizabeth. When did you get here? You might send a footman over to warn me." Ciel advised as you took a seat next to him and left Elizabeth standing by herself.

"Everytime I want to see my fiancée? Don't be silly. Now, teach me to play chess." She requested "Right now?" Ciel asked "Oh, yes. A lady who knows nothing about chess knows nothing at all. That's what my mother has always said to me. Only, I'm having a hard time learning it, and Paula is positively hopeless, naturally. So you're the only one I can ask! Please, Ciel!" She begged as he turned towards you and you sent him a nod. Then a knock was heard

"Pardon me." Sebastian announced his arrival as he entered the room with tea. "Very well, Sebastian could you be a dear and get the chessboard?" You requested as he answered "Of course, my lady, right away." He said as he placed down the tray and served you all tea before leaving to retrieve the chessboard.

"There are sixty four squares on this chessboard. Your objective is to checkmate your opponents king by moving your pieces one at a time until he is trapped." Ciel started as Sebastian suddenly started playing the violin. "Damn it! What are you trying to do?" Ciel asked the man as he slammed his hands down on the table "Oh, it's lovely, isn't it?" Elizabeth complimented as Ciel only grumbled and sat himself down.

"What's wrong?" Ciel asked the girl "Its been such a long time since we did anything fun together like this." She commented as he didn't address it but only continued on explaining, "White moves first." "Right." Meanwhile, you placed yourself a seat by the window to watch the fighting happening down below outside.

Sebastian finished playing his violin as he did a small bowl "Master, mistress, lady Elizabeth. I'm afraid that I must excuse myself to begin dinner preparations." Sebastian stated "Fine." Ciel allowed "Thank you for the music, Sebastian." Elizabeth gave her thanks to the butler with a smile as you gave a nod to the butler, allowing him to leave.

"Paris." Ciel muttered as he looked over the same newspaper from today. "Don't stress yourself over it, I'm sure that as everything happens, you'll be able to figure it out." You reassured him and hugged his head as he rested his head on your arm wrapped around his shoulder. "You need to start taking more credit for yourself, I would never leave you out of anything." He commented as you almost laughed.

"You had more leisure time today than you've had in a while. I assume that you were able to fret to your satisfaction?" Sebastian teased your brother who held your hand with Elizabeth trailing behind while he guided you down the stairs. "I'm not fretting, Sebastian." He retorted as you all reached the bottom of the stairs and noticed how the servants had big smiles on their faces. This was able to get you to giggle and make your brother chuckle.

"You all look wretched. Go and change your clothes at once." He ordered "Yes, young master!" They followed enthusiastically as they ran to their rooms, cheering that they were able to get your brother to smile. You chuckled at their disolay and let go of Ciels hand to walk to the dining room, where Sebastian greeted you. "For today's dish, my lady, we have filet de boeuf a la Parisienne. A most delightful Parisian style grilled filet of beef." Shit.

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