[97] loss of the Phantomhive family

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"Y/N RUN NOW!!" Her brother insisted as the girls legs were stuck as if they were glued to the floor

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"Y/N RUN NOW!!" Her brother insisted as the girls legs were stuck as if they were glued to the floor. She felt an extreme rush of adrenaline fill her as she but the arm of the man holding her and made a beeline for the door. 'No one is coming to save us.' She thought as she pushed through the doors and out into the hall were she sprinted.

'Adults are useless... Once they're influenced and dedicated to something it's hard to change their mindset. They're greedy and filled with nothing but fog. That's why they must die... All of those people must die!!'

The girl saw as multiple adults ran after her but she climbed up a small stand holding flowers and grabbed the decoration sword before turning to the adults. She then took a deep breath before attacking them. "To whoever is listening to me... Save my dear brother from this hell, even if it would cost my life. Please."


"AHAHAHA!" Ciel laughed heartily as you and your brother stayed looking at him wide eyed. You felt yourself shake as you could barely hold onto your brother. "You don't have to get all teary eyed like that, it's alright. As I said before, I have no intention of reprimanding you for your lie." He reassured as your brother was the only one who had enough of a voice to make a confused sound.

"In fact, if there were anyone attempting to hurt you for your lies, I'd stand firmly against them." He said seriously before picking up another smile. "I actually want to commend you on doing this. You've done well for holding out all by yourself for these three years. Even taking care of Y/n. And now you both don't have to keep lying anymore, because I'm back now. I've returned." He complimented.

"ᵀʰ⁻ᵗʰⁱˢ ⁱˢ ⁱᵐᵖᵒˢˢⁱᵇˡᵉ...ᴵ⁻ᴵ ˢᵃʷ ⁱᵗ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵐʸ ᵒʷⁿ ᵉʸᵉˢ...!" You said in a shaky voice as you looked down at the ground. You could hardly breathe as you felt too many emotions at once. "Aww, look at you. Your voice is just as pretty as I remember." Ciel cooed at you as Sebastian spoke up. "Lord Ciel Phantomhive. I am absolutely certain that you lost your life that night. Otherwise, I could not be here right now."

"A sharp observation. Indeed, it is as you say... Mr. Butler." A prickly voice said as you gasped. 'Of course it was him!' "Hih, hih... Hi! Long time, no see! How have you been?" Undertaker asked in a cheery voice as he held a mannequin representing the human body.

"Undertaker! Did you bring Ciel...?" Your brother sputtered as the man smiled. "Whoops, wait a moment. If you'd like information, then I must collect an appropriate fee in advance... Or so I'd like to say, but when you all came up with the 'phantom five' for the music hall showdown, that was easily worth three whole years if laughter! Especially your foolishness, my lady." The man exclaimed before calming down and placing a hand on his chest.

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