[28] STOP 😭😭😭

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The servants conversed with each other as they drove the carriage to a costume hall you all were invited to

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The servants conversed with each other as they drove the carriage to a costume hall you all were invited to. "Alois Trancy, eh? And the previous Earl Trancy, you said he died questionably three years ago. Is that right?" Ciel asked for confirmation on the Earl Trancy. "Yes."

"Three years ago..." Ciel muttered as you remembered that night and the following days. "Alois' mother committed suicide. He was kidnapped when he was very young, but then he returned home shortly before his father passed away along with a mysterious new butler. Is that the whole of it?" Ciel went over the information once more "Yes. His story seems familiar somehow." Sebastian suggested

"Indeed. It is a common one." You agreed as you hugged your brothers arm and rested your head on his shoulder as he returned it by smoothing your hair.

You all arrived as Sebastian stepped out first and then your brother as he held a hand out for you to to take as you did gladly and jumped off with a small giggle. "Right. We servants gotta go come in through the back entrance." Bardroy remembered "See you this evening, master, mistress!" Mey-Rin waved "We've got some brilliant costumes. Wait 'til you see 'em sir, madam!" Finny added as they drove away.

Sebastian walked up with both of you in tow and was about to knock when the door creaked open to show the butler, Claude Faustus. "The right honorable Earl Ciel Phantomhive and Countess Y/n Phantomhive. We've been expecting you. Claude Faustus, the butler of this estate." The butler introduced himself with a bow and silence broke over you four. "Please come in." He broke it by opening the door and moving out of the way to let you three in.

Sebastian paused and looked up at a corner as you did as well "What's that?" You asked "Ah, yes. The Trancy coat of arms bears a spider, so out of respect, we preserve their lives." Claude explained as you watched the spider eat at a smaller insect. "But of course. Besides, when it comes to spiders, the harder you try to kill them, the faster they cling." Sebastian added as Claude simply opened the door up more. "Do come in."

You shuddered as your vision became trippy and Ciel's seemed to have aswell as you stumbled a bit when Sebastian pulled you both back to steady you two. "Are you all right, master, mistress? What is it?" Sebastian asked when you quickly straightened yourself "It's nothing. Might our butler come with us?" You asked Claude

"Certainly, madam." He responded as you three were about to continue ahead when Claude spoke up. "Do forgive me, though. I'm afraid my master is currently away on business. He shall return in time for the hall." He informed as he closed to door. "Very well." Ciel responded

"I've laid out refreshments for you in the drawing room. Everyone else has already arrived, sir, madam." Claude informed as you both raised a brow. "Who is everyone?" You both asked.

You three made your way to the drawing room and immediately you heard Elizabeth squeal Ciels name as you sighed. "Elizabeth!" "Ciel, it's just Lizzie!" Elizabeth reminded her as Lau's voice was heard, "We'd expected you sooner, my lord, lady." He said as you ran over to both him and Ran Mao and gave them a hug. "So you two were invited to the ball as well? Then she's surely here." You said while looking around.

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