[64] the most intense game of hide and seek 😭

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"How rude! Even thinking of asking a lady to play such a rough game!" The dorm maid, an elderly woman, said as she was tightening your corset

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"How rude! Even thinking of asking a lady to play such a rough game!" The dorm maid, an elderly woman, said as she was tightening your corset. "It's alright, madam! Really, sometimes I get tired of sitting my legs become numb." You reassured her as she laughed, placing on your pants and tying your corset up. "Alright, at least have fun and be rough with those boys. I hear you saved many people on the luxury liner wreck not too long ago." She stated as she was buttoning up your shirt and helping you put on your blazer. "I will, I honestly don't know how I was able to manage on that ship but thank goodness. It's been a while since I've played cricket and I overheard them saying that they planned to keep me on the side so I don't do much work but I hope that I'll at least be a bowler." You told her as she smiled at you while she tied your shoes.

"You're a cherished girl, my lady. They've bent many rules just for you, and they're very strict about keeping tradition. I'm sure you ask enough they'll let you play upfront a few rounds."


"Well then, the first cricket match of the dormitories' tournament, sapphire owl vs scarlet fox, will now start!" The umpire said as you stood before Joanne. "I hope you go easy on a lady if I have to go up against you." You teased the boy as he smiled with a blush. "I'll try my best." The blue and red house stood representatives in front of each other in the line as they were drawn first.

"Red house will bat first! Blue house can wear the vest. In this tournament each match comprises of 2 innings and 20 overs!"


You and your brother were standing to the side as you two watched the match begin to unfold itself. Soma served the ball with Bluer and Clayton as the batsmen.
"The elephant king vs a prefect!"
"Go, boss!"
"Blue house! Blue house!"
The students cheered as Bluer got an automatic out because the ball hit the wickets. "Man, if I'd known any better I would've asked him to play cricket with me and Bard a long time ago." You whistled as Clayton then came up. "Come, Kadar!" Clayton challenged him as Soma smirked and threw the ball hard. Clayton was able to defend the wickets and sent the ball flying straight into the air. Sadly, Redmond caught it. "Nice fly." He complimented as he blew a kiss to the young women in the crowd.


"Here it is again!" Soma shouted as he threw the ball to the next batsmen. He was able to make the ball tumble away but it was quickly thrown back at the wickets, making a run out. "Run out!" The referee announced as you winced.


"Catch it Clayton!" Bluer shouted as the teams switched and Soma was not a batsmen as Clayton ran to catch the ball but it hit him right in his cheek instead. "Claytoooon!!!" You saw that it was bouncing away as you pushed your brother. "Go get it!" You urged him as he stumbled to grab the ball. "Shit!" He cursed as he threw it towards a teammate. "3 runs!"

"My turn! I'm ready!" Redmond announced as he had tied his hair up into a ponytail and was now a batsmen. You frowned, he was gonna beat everybody's ass so you turned to the bowler. "Pull yourself together, fuckwad!" You shouted at them as they trembled. "Yes!" He shouted back as he readied himself and threw the ball, it was disappointing, really.

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