[25] W SISTER 💪🏼

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'Light floods my eyelids

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'Light floods my eyelids. I can feel the warm summer sunshine. Where is this place? Am I dreaming it?' You thought to yourself as you were awake but not fully as you kept your eyes close and clung onto the last bits of sleep. 'This is no dream, this is a new chapter.' You heard a voice say, your brothers specifically. 'We're what's left of when we swam under the moon...' you thought because now you both would start a new chapter, right? For the both of you? 'This, is for the both of us, right?' You asked 'Yes, for the both of us.' He confirmed 'Ciel... am I still young? ...Can I dream for a few months more?' You asked, not wanting to wake up yet.

'How will you start the next chapter if you don't wake up silly?' Ciel asked with a laugh 'Open your eyes.' He stated as you did so and saw the sight of your brother holding your head in his lap and petting your hair while Sebastian stood paddling. "I hope you had a nice dream." Ciel commented as you sat up and saw that Elizabeth was also in the boat and turned to you with a smile. On the next boat over, the servants sat as they laughed and greeted you.

"Well, mistress, we are very nearly arrived. Now there is work to be done." Sebastian declared

"This area has been plagued by floods for many years. It is our hope that the addition of new floodgates will restore Phantomhive lands to peace and safety." Ciel announced to the crowd of people gathered around before you spoke up "Additionally we would love to thank all of you for your continued support in this grand endeavor. We shall commit ourselves to the task of flood prevention as our family has for generations before us in the hope of bettering all our lives." You finished as you both bowed and the crowd applauded for you both.

Your brother was conversing with multiple people who were either praising him or asking him questions. Meanwhile, you stood by yourself near three other attendees. "If you ask me, the Earl and Countess' speech was positively shameless. The girl talking as if she had a say was disgusting." A man in brown scoffed, unaware you were in range to hear. "Oh, yes, and from what I've been hearing that company of theirs is making more money than they know what to do with." Another commented before whispering to the woman how much the company made, "That much? How indecent, I must imagine that they're spending it on the most useless of things." the Woman laughed before adding "I've also heard that the lady is extremely unmannered."

"I certainly hope the boy doesn't allow his vanity to get him into too much trouble. And I certainly hope they don't go bankrupt buying that spoiled girl everything she sets her eyes on." The second man chuckled. "I wager that there is a man or two who might wish differently for the young heirs." The woman laughed.

"Do tell. Who might that be?" You butted in with a giggle as you had a fan over your mouth to hide your smile. "We would appreciate any wisdom you can offer from your vast experience." You mocked as you closed your fan with a smack to your hand as your kind eyes turned to a glare. "Help me to understand how it's not their fault for irritating me in the first place." You threatened "Oh, you're not at fault at all, my lady! You must've heard me wrong." The woman nervously laughed

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