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"Now that our guest has departed

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"Now that our guest has departed. I shall see to the lunch preparations. If you will excuse me, my lord, my lady." Sebastian was about to leave when your brother stopped him. "One moment. I kept quiet because you seemed to be avoiding the subject in front of Dr. Arthur, but you still have yet to explain the murder of Mr. Phelps." He pointed out as you suddenly remembered. "That's right! I almost forgot!"

"No, indeed I have not. Aside from those who came to attend the party, it seems we had another visitor." Sebastian informed as he went around the table. "You tell us now?" You asked "He failed to call ahead. So I'm afraid these were the only quarters we had available for him." Sebastian replied as he pulled out a chained up box from under the table. "Is that why I could hardly tuck in my chair?" You asked as you grew frustrated earlier when you feet kept meeting something hard instead of space to tuck in your chair so you could rest your elbows on the table.

"Phelps' murderer is in there? Well, open it!" Ciel asked, a complete opposite question from you. "Are you certain you wish me to?" Sebastian asked "Oh don't be dramatic!" Ciel said as you walked over, "Can I pull the lid off?" You asked after Sebastian slipped off the chains. He moved away for you to open the lid to reveal a snake popping out and attempting to bite you if it weren't for your brother pulling you away by your waist and Sebastian catching it. "May I present the true person behind Phelps murder... there actually was a thirteenth man." Sebastian said as he knocked over the sides of the box to reveal snake tied up with some other serpents around him.

"Snake?" Your brother questioned as Sebastian removed the cloth around his mouth "What are you doing here?" You asked. "'Joker and the others were gone the day after Beauty helped Black and Smile sneak into their tents. It had to have been your fault. They disappeared because of you! So I followed you two here using the scent from Smile's circus costume,' and an excelled idea that was, Wilde." Snake repeated what the serpent hissed.

"So you were under the impression we are responsible for the troupes disappearance?" Ciel asked "'Yes! It wasn't until after you Black and Smiled arrived, that everyone began acting strangely.' Yes, I'd noticed the same, Wordsworth. 'I sensed Joker and the other had been hiding something from me all along, but it didn't matter. Not to me! They didn't care that I was a freak! They said I was their friend. They treated me like family! And you three stole that from me! I won't forgive you!' No, Wilde, I won't either." He recited what the two serpents hissed once more as you and Ciel turned to each other and nodded before turning back to Snake.

"Would you like to know what they were hiding from you? You so called family was kidnapping children in the towns you visited. That's why we joined the circus troupe. We were sent to determine what was happening." You reveals the the man as his eyes widened. "'Kidnapping children?' 'You're lying! That is absolute rubbish!' Yes, you're right Asuka." He repeated as Ciel continued "It made be rubbish, but she's not lying. Unfortunately they had uncovered our identities before we found more proof of what they were doing. They fled. Went into hiding, I'd guess. In that sense perhaps we are responsible for their disappearance."

"But Snake. Children were being taken from their families. We only wanted to help them. And you know, we want to help you, too." You finished as you walked over to him and untied the rope used to restrain him. "Snake, stay, come and live at our manor." You offered as you held out a hand to the man. He jumped back "'what are you suggesting?' I am confused, as well, Keats." Snake said "It's as I said, we want to help you. We're still looking for the other members of your troupe. We're doing it to solve the case, of course. But we both want to the same thing." Ciel said as he stop beside you, holding your arm and aiding you in convincing him.

"Staying here is probably the best chance you have of seeing them again. They are cheerful lively bunch, aren't they? And so kind to everyone they meet. I know them, I know they aren't evil, not in the slightest. There must have been some reason for what they did. But now they need to atone for their crimes. You can be there when they do. Like family." You had to lie to him to continue convincing him but you seemed to be getting to him. "With them, like family." He repeated and hesitantly took your outstretched hand, placing his trust in you completely. 'How vulnerable.' You thought as you smiled at him sweetly.

"That was a surprise. I didn't expect for you two to agree on taking him in." Sebastian commented as you three were walking out the garden. "It's better than letting him loose he can keep trying to kill me, don't you think? And I suspect his ability to control snakes could actually come in rather handy someday." Ciel suggested as you nodded, "Besides which, I have been wanting a pet for some time now." You added as the man shook his head, "That was quite a lie you told him." He added

"Anything can be an art, even deception. Anyway, do you even know what you'll tell the servants? I imagine they'll be easy to convince considering they still seem vulnerable." You asked "I have an idea or two, my lady."

Sebastian's 'funeral' was being held as you walked alongside your brother and Elizabeth down a cemetery and to his grave. "Ciel! He promised he would never leave you alone! How dare Sebastian lie like that? How dare he! How dare he! It's too cruel!" Elizabeth cried as she hugged your brother who was standing in front of his grave.

Everyone else began crying as well as you stood by undertaker to avoid being squeezed to death. Ciel begin moving everyone away when the best bell began ringing, drawing everyone's attention back. "That's weird. There's no wind or nothing." Finny pointed out. "Well, perhaps you ought to do something, the hall isn't there for show. It's a built in as a safety mechanism. There's only one reason for it to ring." Undertaker suggested as the servants immediately began digging him up.

"Right, then, here we go." Bard said as they uncovered his coffin to see an arm throw out a flower, showing he was alive before he fully sat up. "Uh, it was getting quite cramped inside that box... I assume you're all- oh." Sebastian said before he was bombarded with cries from the servants and Elizabeth. "Everyone! Please, collect yourselves."

"Long as I've been active, I've never seen one of those ring before. Lucky we made that a safety coffin, wouldn't you agree, my lord, my lady?" Undertaker said as you three stood next to his headstone. "Yes, it was indeed." Ciel smiled

"I'll see you again, the next time you need a coffin!" Undertaker laughed as everyone but Tanaka left. "That was easy enough. I'm glad we didn't have to do anything too elaborate." Sebastian said as you handed I'm a handkerchief to whip his clothing. "One might wish for servants who were a tad less gullible." You commented as Tanaka walked up to the man. "Sebastian. It's about time I return this to you. It is the symbol of the Earl Phantomhive's butler, thus it is not mine to keep. I can think of no better place for it than here, upon your coat." He said as he fastened the broach in Sebastian's coat after removing it from his own. "A Phantomhive servant dying before his master, that is unforgivable, utterly unforgivable." He said as he walked off, following after the others.

"Hey, Undertaker?" You called the man as he turned his head to you. "What is it, dearie?" He asked as he smoothed your hair. "When I die, can you make sure I look pretty one last time?" You suddenly asked the man as he seemed to have gotten serious. "Why the sudden question, lady? You're still young and healthy, is something wrong?" He asked as you looked down at your shoes. "I just wanted to ask, in case I never got to if anything were to happen to me." you admitted he only slightly smiled genuinely as he smoothed your hair. "Of course, my lady, I've been working on something for a while now, but I still have a long way to go before I show you. But it's something I'm working on especially for you, I'm sure you'll be overjoyed." He changed the subject as you looked up at him.

"Can I get a hint?" You asked as he faked pondering. "Hmm... no!" He decided with a laugh as you puffed up in anger. "Why? You shouldn't have told me anything if you don't want to give me a hint!" You whined and pulled the man's arm as he laughed. "Just to tease you, my lady. Now, run along. I reckon your brother and butler are waiting for you in the carriage, go on." He insisted as he patted your back and pushed you towards the carriage as he waved, "Hope to see you soon, have a safe trip, lady."

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