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"Thanks for your help, Mr

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"Thanks for your help, Mr. Diedrich!" You exclaimed as you gave the man a hug. "Whatever, next time don't bring your trouble to me." He huffed out and smoothed your hair before pushing you towards your brother. "Next time? So it's okay to come again, then?" Your brother teased as he wrapped his arm around your waist and you both smiled at him in a mocking manner. "W-what are those faces for?! Ugh, don't come!" Diedrich corrected as you both began to walk out. "Oi, brats." Diedrich called out as you both looked back at the man. "You both made it out alive this time. Be careful." He said as you both smiled. "Yeah. You too."


"Well, I feel like her majesty the queen is expecting us. We should show our faces in a week." You decided as you adjusted your brothers hat. "A week? Isn't that a little too soon...?" Sebastian questioned with a raised brow "If that's the case is there anything I can do? You can trust me to do it!" Sullivan offered eagerly as your brother turned towards Sebastian. "This is an order, Sebastian. Let's train this gamine in the next week until she's ready." He ordered as the butler smiled. "Yes, my lord. Well then! First, to get a dress!" He declared with a clap as the servants went on home.


You five entered a shop as two women stood in front of you and welcomed you. "Welcome to Hopkins the tailor." They said as they posed, displaying the tailored clothing as Sebastian took the lead. "It's has been a while. We are here to request some clothing." He informed as urgent and heavy heels hit the ground "I FEEL THE PRESENCE OF A YOUNG MAN AND A BEWITCHING GIRL! Meg! Augusta! I wonder who it is!" Nina, the tailor exclaimed as she ran through the shop carrying fabric in her arms.

"As sharp as ever aren't you Ms. Hopkins..." Sebastian trailed off as the tailor saw you and your brother and cooed. "Well well! Long time no see, Earl, countess! It's so rare for you two to come to the shop!" She squealed as Sebastian insulted her. "As usual, it's refreshing to an extent to ignore you." He said as she glared at him.

"Well Earl, countess, who is this young lady?" She asked after getting close to Sullivan to look at her features. "She has become our guest that we must take care of. She doesn't have any other clothing at the moment, how much can we request?" You asked as she tilted her head "I see... Certainly you wouldn't have any clothing for summer. Besides... This is quality, but be that as it may, it is way too plain. It's men's old fashioned preference that forces a woman's chastity." Nina commented as Sebastian muttered.

"It was because it was an emergency." "Huh?" "You two will be the soonest to have an audience with the queen in her drawing room..." Sebastian muttered again in thought before you turned to the woman. "We originally came for a woman's formal dress but is it possible that we ask for a mans suit to match?" You asked as she smiled.

"Of course, darling. The debutantes first audience... Cheeks stained in nervousness... Yes... Yes!! I've got it! The fountain for my imagination is overflowing!" Nina exclaimed before rambling on and grabbing you by the wrist and Sullivan by the back of her collar "Well young lady, this way! And countess I just have an amazing idea for a summer dress that will be perfect for you! We must take your measurements again, you're always growing!" She insisted as you almost tripped over your heels to Nina's sewing room.

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