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"Everyone! We have trouble! It's miss Elizabeth!" Agni suddenly shouted as he barged into the room

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"Everyone! We have trouble! It's miss Elizabeth!" Agni suddenly shouted as he barged into the room. "What now?" You groaned as you all ran to her guest room.

"But this is the fourth floor!" Edward shouted as he looked out the window. "I thought it was about time for her to have woken up, so I came to check in on her, once I had gathered my bearings, I had realized she was gone..." Agni explained as your brother played with the tied up curtain in the bedpost.

"So she tied the curtains together and made an escape route..." He trailed off as you looked down at the floor. "She clearly tried pushing it closer to the window, she gave up and just tried her luck." You added as you nodded the disturbance on the carpet. "She even went to such lengths... Why would you do this, Lizzie?!" Edward asked as he clenched the fabric in his hands.

"You... You were well aware of this, weren't you?" Your brother asked Sebastian as he held the bitter rabbit plushie in his hands. "But of course. Regardless, what were you hoping to accomplish by detaining her. Did you plan on keeping watch over her like some prisoner? Perhaps changing her and putting her on a leash like a dog would be more to your liking? Maybe turn her into a butterfly and rip off her wings and set her in a net like the mistress maybe?" He retorted with a cruel gaze as you turned to him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Saying such things about my sister!!" Ciel shouted at the man as you both teamed up on him. "You bastard! Simply what are you implying-" you shouted at the man before he interrupted you. "It's like you said, my lady. It's simply impossible to shackle another's heart. As long as miss Elizabeth's heart is captivated by the sphere music hall, no matter how many times you drag her back here, the outcome will remain unchanged." He repeated as you glared at the man and crossed her arms.

"What in the world is this thing that has taken ahold of Lizzie's heart?! And what is this 'sparkling shininess' that only that place seems to have?!" Edward demanded to know as your brother turned to him. "It's possible that Bravat told her something or gave her something, causing her to fall into a brainwashed state." He told him as the boy placed his chin between his fingers.

"That makes sense... It's definitely possible, especially since Lizzie adores story telling." Edward added as a loud knock was heard. "It appears someone is at the door." Sebastian said as you immediately ran out the door. "I'll get it!" "Please, lady Y/n! Allow me!" Agni insisted as he ran down the stairs after you.

You were close to opening the door to see Soma getting ready multiple trays of curry buns. "What's this?" You asked as Soma smiled at you. "We're having a good drive!" He said as the door opened up and children began piling in one after the other. Some began tugging at your dress and asking you things but all the children in the hall and their overlapping voices drowned them out as you were nearly panicking when you heard your brother shouting over the voices.

"Hey! I can't even hear myself think! What in the blazes is going on down-" he trailed off after seeing all the individuals flooding the entrance of the townhouse. "WHAT IS THIS SEA OF CHILDREN DOING HERE?!" He shouted In utter disbelief as Soma explained to him that they were doing a food drive. You could hardly hear them, though as you were eventually pulled down to the floor.

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