[48] When does he shut up? 😭

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It was the next day as you all gathered outside to see everyone off

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It was the next day as you all gathered outside to see everyone off. "I'm sorry I couldn't spend much time with you this time, after all the murders I got tense." Charles apologized as a policeman was loading Woodley into the carriage. "It's no problem. As long as one of you came, I'm sure I'll see you again soon, we can talk then." You smiled as the earl smoothed over your hair. "You act like such a proper lady, different from how you act when you participate in fencing." He laughed as you swatted his hand. "You can be so rude sometimes!" You complained as you pushed him into the carriage. "Still, I'll be sure to talk to you soon." He said as you nodded and walked off.

You then walked back to your brothers side. Jeremy walked up to the carriage holding Arthur and talked to him for a bit before sending him off as his head peaked out the window. He then put his head back in and Ciel placed his hand on the small of your back in a caring manner. "Let's go back inside, it's still early and a bit cold, I don't want you catching a cold." He said as you frowned. "You get sick as easily as me!" you complained. "Too much talking and too little walking. Hop to it." Jeremy said as you groaned and stomped up the stairs.

You three were walking up the stairs when the entrance bursted open to show Arthur stopping at the bottom of the steps. "So we are meeting again. What brings you back? Did you forget something?" Jeremy asked the ophthalmologist who was panting. You and Ciel also turned around, "Did he figure it out?" You whispered to your brother. "Possibly." He responded as you hummed. "I decided my investigation was not yet complete. I came for the truth, Jeremy the vicar, or is it... Sebastian the butler?" Arthur revealed as Jeremy smirked.

"Oh my! Well done! It seems they, or rather, we, underestimated you. Yes, we did indeed." Jeremy praised and pulled off the disguise as you clapped. "How impressive! Who knew a simple man like you'd be so smart? Might as well start working with the yard, hell, you might even be promoted on your first case!" You cheered as the man looked up at Sebastian in surprise. "No! It's incredible, unreal! No one could pull off such a deception so flawlessly!" Arthur exclaimed as Sebastian raised a brow.

"Still unsure? You came back here because you wanted answers, do you not? If only you'd kept going, you could have resumed your humdrum life. Why return if the truth makes you tremble so?" Sebastian asked the man as his hands and legs shook visibly. "I- I had to know if my misgivings were correct so I could after the yards carriage. If I'm right, that means an innocent man is now in their custody!" Arthur reasoned as your brother chuckled.

"My, you have quite a strong sense of justice, don't you? I suppose we should've guessed, knowing that you've written of the valiant medieval knights." He commented as you giggled. "Did you consider that if you revealed you knew the truth, we might not let you leave here again?" You asked as the man gasped, your smile left as you waved your hand. "A joke, only." You dismissed as you both turned around to head up the stairs. "Your assumption is correct, though. Woodley was not, in fact, the murderer." Your brother confirmed as you added. "At least not in this instance, he wasn't."

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