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"Your luggage appears quite heavy, how 'bout a ride to lighten the load?" A voice asked Nina as she walked down the sidewalk after dropping off some clothes

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"Your luggage appears quite heavy, how 'bout a ride to lighten the load?" A voice asked Nina as she walked down the sidewalk after dropping off some clothes. She glared at the carriage and huffed. "I am quite fine, thank you very much." She refused as a silk gloved hand grabbed the curtain of the carriage and pulled it back. "Aw, come now, you know we can't handle rejection. Miss Nina." You said as your head peaked from behind the curtain as your brother did as well.

The woman then looked at the two of your brightly and squealed. "Oh my! It's the countess and Earl!" You both quickly hushed her and ushered her into the carriage.


"Yes, that's correct! All of the costumes and outfits donned at the popular and trendy sphere music hall are made by yours truly at Hopkins tailor shop!" Nina proudly stated.

"Just between you and me, I'm not particularly fond of making clothing for boys older than 15. But I was so deeply moved by the halls energy and enthusiasm when choosing me, that I decided to accept their request." She said in a pitying tone before suddenly pulling out a cloth and using it to make a headband and tying it around your head.

"Goodness, lady. This color does look good against your hair, I'll sew it up and your maid can use it for you." She said before tucking it back into her pocket. "But all of the songs and clothing for the starlight are created by Mr. Bravat." She informed you three as Sebastian raised a brow. "Even the clothes?"

"Yes! He always comes to give feedback on the fittings and such." She added before frowning at Sebastian. "Unlike a certain stubborn person who shall remain nameless, Mr. Bravat provides an endless flow of bold and novel ideas." She spat, clearly aiming at Sebastian.

"However, if the Earl and Countess take time out of their schedule to ask me about him, then I surmise there must be something important about him." Nina suddenly got serious as you sighed. "Yes. Good, we're glad you understand, this saves us time. As expected of the tailor shop that has provided for the queens watchdog over the generations." You praised as the woman smiled. "To receive such praise from someone like you is an honor, my lady." She accepted as you smiled.

"Having said all that, my knowledge is limited to the measurements of Mr. Bravat and the s4. Along with the names of the great stars, I suppose. Funny thing is, no matter what I do or try, I'm strictly forbidden from taking the latters measurements. My insistence on taking the measurements of the 'great stars' always falls on deaf ears." She said in a nonchalant way as you swiftly turned your head in realization.

"Wait, Miss Nina, the s4 aren't the 'great stars'?" You asked with a raised brow as she seemed confused. "What are you on about, countess? The ones who hold the names of the great stars are much higher in rank than the s4. I am designing clothing for everyone, including the s4 and other individuals." She revealed as you and your brother shared a look, Nina suddenly started rambling.

"I was especially fond of the Greek gowns made for the guests! The loose fitting silhouette design combined with the delicate texture of the material cloth created a relaxed yet sexy style! It's also a wardrobe that is very unisex friendly... Able to be worn weather you are old or young, man or woman! With this a new-"

"N-nina!" Your brother called the woman and brought her back on topic. "We'd appreciate it if you could elaborate about the people who hold the names of the stars!" He asked the woman who tilted her head.

"Hm? Oh... I'm not entirely sure myself but... Mr. Bravat said that they are the physical manifestations of the four guardian stars, or something along those lines... Master Sirius, master Polaris, master canopus and master Vega."

"Those four are the people who are called by the names. Strange thing is, though, there is a 'fifth star' a 'mistress Venus', even though she's named after a planet they insist they call her that because she 'shines as bright as the planet'. She also shares the same body measurements as you, countess. And he didn't have anyone try on the clothing made for the physical manifestation of 'Venus', said that he'd have her try it on once he saw her again." She revealed as you tensed up.

"And where are those persons right now?" Sebastian asked as she huffed. "That's what I would like to know! During their fittings Mr. Bravat would take their clothing into the room just past the doors decorated with all those constellations. All the whole forbidding me from entering!" She complained as your brother whispered to Sebastian.

"Oh, Earl, countess, did you not know? There are four doors, but they all lead to the same room." She explained as the hall now seemed to be getting more awkward in your eyes. "Then what was the point of being so melodramatic?" Ciel asked as Sebastian replied. "The dramatic, tense tone of their plays are an essential part of their religion."

You then turned your head to the woman to question her. "Miss Nina, when is your next scheduled visit to the music hall?" You asked her as she seemed in thought. "Today we matched the outfits with the new song and completed the preliminary sewing. So I would expect to deliver the final product in one week." She informed as you then placed a hand on hers in a pleasing manner.

"Then, the next time you go, could you please bring Sebastian with you? We'll make it worth your while- you can dress him up if you'd like but please take him!" You pleaded as her eyes shined at the thought of changing Sebastian out of the butlers uniform to something more fitting. "Why of course. If he gets out of those shabby clothes then I'll take him as a staff member." She accepted as you sighed in relief.


"I have acquired some samples from the facility located within the music hall. But I left them all in the care of miss Sullivan." Sebastian informed you both after settling an unconscious Elizabeth in a guest room. "As for the 'four people who hold the names of the stars' that Ms. Nina spoke of, unfortunately I was unable to confirm their existence, the only person we know of is the 'mistress Venus', you, mistress." He revealed as you slammed your fist down on the chair. "Damn it, and I was really hoping we could!" You frowned as a door opened.

"More importantly, butler! The evidence for their crimes was in plain sight, right in front of you ...yet you still left the place without doing anything?!" Edward shouted at Sebastian who turned around with a smirk. "That is because I judged there to be no value in destroying the music hall." He simply replied as the boy raised a brow. "Huh?"

"I have witnessed this, first hand, on countless occasions. During religious wars, I have seen churches and temples brunt to the ground in order to try and break another's faith in their beliefs. But those buildings were nothing more than material items and symbols of idolatry. Their destruction was merely a temporary solution, lacking any permanent and lasting effects. In fact, the likelihood of it actually strengthening and accelerating peoples piety was far greater. The more one tries to stifle and oppress them, the more one Stokes the fire in their hearts. That is the very nature of humans, is it not?" Sebastian asked as Edward only frowned.

"At present, the s4 and Bravat are seen as charismatic and divine existences to the general public. If we forcibly exile them, it will no doubt backfire on us." Sebastian explained "Of that is indeed the case. Then what are the options available to us?" He asked as you sighed.

"A persons heart is a complex thing. You can't see or touch it unlike a physical body." You started as you made brief eye contact with Sebastian and Ciel. "No matter if you are a demon, or a god, it is truly and utterly impossible to shackle another persons heart."

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