[98] Regret.

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"Young master, mistress, please stand back

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"Young master, mistress, please stand back." Sebastian advised as he held a protective hand infront of you both. "You are..." Undertaker asked as he looked down at the man. "I had heard the story from my dear William, but what a curiosity there really is a former Grim reaper bringing the dead back to life. My interest is thoroughly piqued, I must say." Othello said as he placed his hands on his hips.

"Must have quite the number of loose screws in that head of yours. I'd love to open it up and take a peek inside." He grinned as Undertaker scoffed. "Hih, Hih... I've got some loose screws, you say? You're the last person I want to hear that from. Othello!!"

"It's not everyday you get to see a shut in researcher from the forensics division come out from his den to take care of something personally. Might I ask what is the occasion for this rare surprise?" Undertaker asked the man who sighed casually. "I'm afraid your childish tricks have gone a little too far, you see. The racket is making it impossible for me to immerse myself into my tranquil space of research. So now I've come to chastised bad boys disturbing my sleep."

As he said that he reached behind his bad to grab a small standard death scythe. "Is that so? How frightening...." Undertaker taunted as the man took a step and lifted up his arm. "No signs of remorse, I see... Kids like that will never learn... WITHOUT A LITTLE PAIN AND TEARS!!!"

He then threw the scythe blindly which got stuck in the staircase not even near Undertakers feet. "I knew it..." He muttered under his breath as he frowned at the placement. Undertaker juar bursted out laughing while you raised a brow, what was all the tension for if he wasn't gonna throw the scythe near the man?

"Haven't changed a bit, have you?! It's almost a talent how poor your reflexes are!!" Undertaker laughed out as Othello placed a hand on the back of his next in embarrassment. "Well, I have recently invented a machine that will allow one to exercise without any effort..."

"Wait a second, Othello! Weren't you supposed to be the type who seems weak but is monstrously strong?!" Grell asked as the man turned to look at her. "Goodness, no! Do you not remember me saying that I've never fought before? Come now, Grell, read the atmosphere and go flying in, finish the cool scene off for me!" He told her as she just shouted back. "Leave me out of it!"

"Hih-hih... I laughed so much, I thought I might die from lack of breathe!" Undertaker heaved out before turning over and picking himself up. "However... I cannot allow myself to get caught and dissected in your laboratory yet. Apologies but I will have to ask you to kindly withdraw." He spat as he pulled out his death scythe.

"Ahhhh! That's bad news! Grell, protect me! Protect me!!" Othello pleaded as he hid behind the woman. "Excuse you?! How dare you have a fair maiden as a shield!! This is why I hate geeks!!* She yelled at the man as she swatted him away.

"Although, I do remember leaving that last bout on the boat quite unsatisfied. LET'S GO FOR ROUND TWO!!" She declared as she sprung up in the air and activated her chainsaw to right Undertaker when they were interrupted by a butter knife.

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