[94] What I truly wanted.

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Rachel didn't know what to do, her daughter has just been hysterical ever since the maids found her in the early morning

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Rachel didn't know what to do, her daughter has just been hysterical ever since the maids found her in the early morning. "Get one of the twins in here, maybe she'll calm down if they are near..." She told the maids as she honestly didn't really know how to calm down her daughter who was just babbling out. "B-brother-!" She gasped out before crying out again. 'I remember when I was first brought to the spot where I'd place my garden. it was all because of a tutor.'

"What happened?" Vincent asked as he walked in, the girls cries could be heard across the whole manor! "I don't know, she won't say. The maids found her this morning in her closet crying her eyes out." Rachel replied as she tried smoothing over her daughters hair but she just got louder and swatted her mother away.

Ciel was the first to peak his head around the door before his younger brother followed. "What happened?" "What's wrong?" The two asked as they came into the room and walked to their sister before sitting on either side of her.

The girl hiccuped and tried wiping off her tears but her chin was still wet with tears when Ciel grabbed a cloth from his pocket and handed it to his younger brother who cleaned his sisters face. "What happened? Was it the tutor again?" He asked as she hiccuped again. "Y-yeah!!" She said as she began calming down. 'Ciel had told me that he looked all over to find the perfect place that I liked until brother stumbled into a clearing.'

"Tutor? Which tutor?" Rachel asked as she grew concerned. "Ms. Booker! She's been telling Y/n a whole bunch of mean things!" Ciel exclaimed with a frown as he crossed his arms. "What did she tell you this time?" The younger asked as she became coherent. "S-she said that- that- if I don't start acting mature now I'll never- get married and people will think I'm annoying!!" She cried before breaking down again.

"Did she really say that??" Rachel asked as she and the maids gasped. "That's why she's not married!" Her older brother retorted as he also crossed his arms. "I'll have her replaced. Don't worry." Vincent said as he picked up the girl and kissed her cheek. "I'll make sure a very nice lady tutors you on etiquette, hm? How about auntie Franny? She's a very nice lady. Or maybe auntie Anne?" He asked his daughter as she just sniffled.

"Okay, perhaps Franny, then. Auntie Anne is a very busy doctor." He decided before setting her down on the floor. "You'll never be annoying to any of us, darling. You may be a bit indecisive when deciding what to wear but that's okay, we're all like that sometimes." He reassured as he smoothed over her hair. "And you're as mature as you can be. Not even mummy took etiquette classes until I turned 13! You're a very smart girl for your age as well." Rachel added as she stood next to her husband.

"How about you go play with your brothers while mummy and daddy go talk to Ms. Booker, okay? She's supposed to be coming today." Vincent suggested as they gave her a smile. "We'll help pick out what you're wearing!" Ciel said as their brother nodded. "Yeah! And me and Ciel found a nice spot for us to play in! We can go there!" He said as their mother reminded them.

"You three be careful, alright? Ciel, you know how fragile your brother and sister can be." "Yes!" He agreed as the two left, leaving the three and some maids in the girls closet.

"Blue with bows! Grab me a petticoat as well." Her brother exclaimed as Ciel added "Get the biggest ribbons possible! And get me a comb!"


"It's a little bit out near the lawn, but it's lovely!" Her brother said as Ciel was leading. Their little sister was growing concerned as such a big manor seemed 10 times bigger at her age and size. "Don't you think we're going to far?" She asked as Ciel looked back.

"No, just come on. Don't be- don't be a scaredy cat!" He insisted as she frowned. "Don't call me that, but o-kay!" She said as they had finally reached their destination and she was in awe. It was a small clearing in the forest with a small pond filled with lily pads and water flowers all around. 'At first, to an adult, it would be seen as a cute gesture from little kids. But I saw it like I was just given the stars.'

"It's so pretty!" She exclaimed as she ran around the clearing despite knowing she'll have a fit later. "Be careful! Mummy will get mad if you start coughing again!" Her brother reminded as she stopped and was panting already. "I know... But it's so cute! I'll talk to Papa and see if he can help me grow some flowers out here! Or maybe Tanaka! Thank you both so much!!" She thanked before placing a small kiss on each of their cheeks.

"I love you both so much! I'll never forget this! I'll take care of this spot forever!!" She declared as she hugged them. "That's good! As long as you pay attention to taking care of this spot, then you won't have to pay attention to what Ms. Booker says!" Ciel said as his sister grew a frown again.

"But... What is she gets mad at me because I told on her?! Or worse, she'll make me walk in heels for an hour longer?!" She worried as her brother smoothed her hair. "Then we'll protect you! We'll beat her down!" He said as Ciel nodded. "We'll do it because we love you soo much! We love your smile, we love your hair, we love your knees even if they're bruised!"

"We love the heart shaped birthmark under your eye, we love the way you look around before you talk, and we love the way you laugh!" Her brother added. "Do you really?" She asked as she placed a hand on her knees, she often fell during etiquette classes and bruises her knees frequently and got weirded out at the purple forming on her skin.

"Father always said to love everything about you because we all have to love each other! Otherwise we'll be bad brothers!" Ciel said as they then all sat infront of the pond and tried catching the tadpoles inside. "And he said that we always have to look after you because that's what big brothers do!" Her brother said as he had caught some tadpoles.

"Look! Look! There's three! One for each of us!" He exclaimed as they swam around in the small gathering of water in his hands before landing back in the pond as he opened his hands. "That's so cool! We should go tell Tanaka! Maybe we can grab a cup and bring them home!" She suggested before they all made a beeline for the manor.


'I don't think Ciel was very happy with me or brother, I don't know what he was mad at brother for, but I know he didn't really like the idea of me wanting to move someplace else.'

"Young master Ciel, won't you please rise from the bed? Your tutor will be arriving soon." Tanaka asked as his younger siblings and a maid were also hovering over his bed. "I don't want to! I don't want to study anymore! Everyone just get out!!" He shouted from under his covers.

"It's certainly unlike you to throw a tantrum like this." Tanaka said in a concerned tone as the younger twin agreed. "I agree, what's wrong, Ciel?" "Mummys gonna get you!" His sister warned as she shook him.

"You wouldn't understand! Just leave me alone!" He retorted as his sister retracted her hand. She felt a little bad and wished she said something that would've pleased Ciel but she can't really take back her words now. "My goodness, what's all the fuss this early in the morning?" Their mother asked as she and their father walked in.

"Momma, Papa! Ciel won't get up!" Their daughter said as she ran up to them and tugged on her father's blazer. "He says he doesn't wanna study anymore." Her brother added as their father stayed silent.

"Oh my! I wonder what's wrong!" Rachel gasped before she placed a hand on the heads of the younger children. "Your father and I will try talking to him, then. How about you go on to the classroom and you go on and meet auntie Anne in the drawing room. She says she has a surprise for you." She told the children as the boy nodded and ran off. "Will Ciel be okay?" She whispered to them as her father picked her up.

"Of course he will, he's your brother, if he knew how worried you were he'd hop out of bed right away." He whispered to her as she nodded. "Okay, now go. Don't keep Auntie Anne. Waiting." He insisted as he pushed her towards the door.

'I don't know what they told brother, but he seemed happy when he went to join brother in the classroom. But I hoped he understood. I hoped that they both understood that I would be willing to give away what I truly wanted for them to be happy.'

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