[88]Oops! I shut down your music hall! Sorry, won't happen again! Teehee! :p

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"The entirety of this plans success is riding on tonight's performance

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"The entirety of this plans success is riding on tonight's performance. And that is not an exaggeration." Ciel said as the five performers stood in front of your desk lined up and ready. "Perform at your very best but also remember to have fun. You all spent two whole weeks preparing for this day, let loose for a bit." You recommended as they all nodded in understanding.

"We will win! No matter what!" You both declared simultaneously as they all nodded and stacked their hands on top of each other. "Let's do this! PHANTOMMMM FIVE!!!" They cheered.


You saw as Bravat was leaving the hall, he was dressed in what seems to be his every day clothes and was frowning. "Goodness, it's the gentleman from the sphere music hall. Did you enjoy our show?" You asked as you and your brother stood at the staircase staring down at the man.

He then looked back and frowned at the sight of you both. "You two... You're the Earl and Countess of Phantomhive." He said, recognizing you both immediately.

"Hmph. It's just as I suspected, you knew who we were the moment you first met us." Ciel said as the man showed a practiced smile. "Of course. A beauty like Y/n can't be mistaken for another." He retorted before continuing. "Never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed that people of such nobel rank and high status would come up with a plan like this." He said as you raised a brow.

"A plan like this? This theater houses the most cutting edge mechanical equipment, making it the most technologically advanced stage in the world. It just goes to show that entertainment is a field that is constantly evolving." You said as the man spoke again.

"But state of the art equipment isn't everything. Nothing can surpass the luster and shine of the original product." He said as your brother shrugged his shoulders. "We believe the audience is the one who will ultimately make that decision." He said as Bravat shook his head.

"Indeed, you are correct about that. However... I believe that if one cannot gain the support of ones closest friends. Then doing so with a large group of strangers is out of the question, no?" He said, clearly referring to Elizabeth. "But that is only because they have yet to see the show, correct?" You asked as the man stayed silent and just glared at you both.

"If you'll excuse me." He said as he turned around and left the hall. You only huffed and held onto your brother arm as you both also headed back up.

Once you both had turned a corner your brother patted your arm as a signal for you to let go and he suddenly punched a vase down to the ground. "DAMN IT ALL!!!" He shouted and shook in anger as Sebastian also came around the corner and held a worried face. "Oh dear... The messien vase... What a shame..." He sighed as the vase that held roses was broken on the ground.

"It would be an exercise in futility to drag miss Elizabeth back by force. This method is our best option to lead us to a speedy resolution. Isn't that what you said, young master?" Sebastian asked as your brother walked to you and rested his forehead on your shoulder as he loosely wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Just watch... We'll bring an end to this very soon." He declared before he snatched your hand and walked back to the office with you.


"The data collected up until today shows that approximately 20% of sphere patrons have switched to our music hall." Sebastian reported as he held papers with surveys and such.

"20 percent, eh?" Your brother asked as you waved your hand. "It's something. As long as we lower the rates of death by blood loss from that hall steadily we can continue on with this." You allowed as Sebastian nodded.


"Ahh yes! Afternoon teatime at the Phantomhive household is the best! Just like always!" A young man named Pitt said as he ate some pudding. "The pudding here is the finest in town, has been for years!" He complimented as Sebastian smiled.

"Thank you, I am honoured by your praise, master Pitt." "By the way, is Mr. Tanaka doing well?" He asked as you nodded. "Yes, he is just fine." "Back when I was broke, he'd always help me out and feed me. But I'm still broke nowadays, too." He sighed sadly before perking up once more.

"Anyway, changing the topic. It seems that your love for mischief has risen to a whole new level, now hasn't it, young master, mistress?" He asked you both as Soma, who as also present, gasped.

"Ciel and Y/n used to be mischievous children?! I can't even imagine it!" He exclaimed as Pitt nodded. "Yup, indeed they were. Ciel was such a curious child that Mr. Vincent and Mr. Tanaka were always at a loss with what to do with him!" He revealed as your brother frowned.

"Quit spitting lies!" He ordered as he still continued. "And Y/n looked up to him a lot so she often repeated what he did!" He said as you turned pink in embarrassment. "I remember this one time I was helping to take your family portrait photograph, and you both just wouldn't sit still, chasing each other everywhere! So we had to do many retakes!" He added before reaching into his bag.

"I still have some pictures from back then." He said as Soma smiled. "Really?! I want to see!" He exclaimed as Pitt pulled out a photo "Here, look!" He said, almost showing the photo when your brother snatched it up into his own hands. "Quit it! It's uncalled for!" He shouted "Ciel? What's wrong? You don't have to get so worked up!" Soma reassured as Pitt just laughed heartily.

"I still have the photographic plates, so take as many as you'd like!" He reassured as your brother just kissed his teeth and sat back in the seat you both shared. Soma seemed to look at you for a hot minute before turning back to Pitt. "Do you have any photos of when Y/n was little? I'd like to see!" He asked as Pitt nodded happily.

"I have a bunch! Always took one when I saw her! Her family also asked for me to take individual pictures of her alot, I believe Mr. Vincent had a book filled with photos of the young mistress!" He revealed as you sat in your seat stiffly.

Pitt then reached into his bag and pulled out a photo of a smaller you with a braid in your hair and frilly clothes resting your head on your dog, Sebastian. "Wahh! She's adorable!" Soma exclaimed as he looked at the photo. "The lady's always been a cutie! I remember every time I came over the maids would be fighting over what dress to put her in, Mr. Vincent had dresses made for all occasions! But her brother here decided most of the time!" Pitt revealed with a loud laugh as you got shy.

"She was quite the sweetheart too! If she was alone she'd ask you to go and watch the flowers grow with her. She'd get bored after two minutes and would just try to climb the trees." He blurted out as you just lowered your head in embarrassment.

"Master Ciel. Mistress Y/n." Agni called for your attention as you both looked over to the man. "You have a guest." He announced as Abberline was behind him. "Well, hello there, inspector Abberline." Sebastian greeted as the man held a serious expression.

"Earl, Countess, I have come to ask a few questions." He said as Sebastian turned to Soma and Pitt with a smile. "I apologize, but could the two of you please kindly step out of the room for us?" He asked as Pitt put on his hat.

"Right then, I think it's a time I left then." He decided as Soma left the room as well, leaving you three with the inspector. He held up a newspaper of two men in front of a corpse no- a pile of corpses. "Earl, Countess. This is your handiwork, isn't it?"

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