[61] SWING

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"Derrick...?" They all asked as the mood with the p4 grew tense. "I believe Derek Arden is Lord Clemens son, isn't he?" Edward asked as you nodded your head. "I'd never expected you two to be among his acquaintances." He said simply as your brother replied. "We've played with him a few times when we were little." Cheslock hummed at the information as you frowned under the veil. 'They all got startled when I mentioned Derrick but the others are just fine.' you pointed out to yourself as you noticed them sharing glances.

"We hadn't known he'd transferred into the purple house until the last second. It was a big surprise, really." You added as Bluer adjusted his glasses. "That's because it took us a while to notice his true personality." "He was even my fag for a while. He was excellent." Redmond said as he frowned. "Yes. He certainly was but..." Greenhill trailed off as Violet lightly picked up his head. "In any case, he was weird." He summarized as you squeezed your brothers hand as a signal.

"I see. Purple house has many weirdo- I mean students that excel at certain arts after all. What was Derricks specialty?" Ciel asked
"It's hard to say in detail but most likely..."

"What?" "Um..." You made a sound of confusion as Redmond shook his head. "Anyway! The principal decided on moving him." "There are no mistakes in the principals commands." Greenhill reminded "And also the principals decisions are absolute!" Bluer declared as he changed the subject. "By the way, about the ceremony on June 4th..." You drowned them out as you and your brother seemed to decide on one thing. The p4 were definitely hiding something.

Meanwhile, Violet quietly drew Ciel with a grotesque dragon of sorts beside him and you, holding your faceless head with a monstrous face peeking out the side of your head.


"Was thinking it'd be something special if you both asked to me to come here but... It's about Derrick Arden again, huh?" Edward asked as he practiced his swings for the cricket tournament while you both stood on the side. "I didn't think you were the type to be so concerned about people other than Y/n." He commented as your brother frowned "It's just that I can't understand. The dorms are so hostile towards each other, so for someone to transfer seems strange." He expressed as Edward brought the paddle back up again.

"You may say that, but it wasn't just Derrick that transferred." He informed as you took off your hat in surprise. "What?!" You exclaimed "I don't know much about the other dorms. But I'm pretty sure that some other students from red house were transferred to purple house at the same time." He added "What are their names!?" Your brother asked as Edward got irritated. "Like I know! I just said that I don't know much about them!"

"But why were they all transferred at once? Did they cause some sort of trouble or..." You trailed off as Edward calmed down. "I haven't heard anything but the principal decided on it." He repeated as your brother nodded. "I see. We're sorry for the trouble, thanks." Your brother bod goodbye as you locked arms with him when Edward suddenly grabbed your wrist. "N/n! Ciel! What did you both come to this school for?" He suddenly asked "Could it be as the guard dog and butterfly or..." Edward trailed off as you gently took your wrist out of his hand.

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