[20] NOOOOO😿😿😿

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In your shared solitary confinement cell, Ciel was frantically worrying about your lip scarring, after some reassurance from you, he stopped and focused his attention on writing a letter of sorts

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In your shared solitary confinement cell, Ciel was frantically worrying about your lip scarring, after some reassurance from you, he stopped and focused his attention on writing a letter of sorts. He suddenly paused to look at the building opposite, where Sebastian was being held. "Your tea, my lord, my lady." You both heard him say as he placed down a cup, you both immediately stood up for whatever reason. But really, it was just Abberline who held a confused expression at the two of you.

"Are you two alright?" He asked as you sat down but with a huff as Ciel sat down aswell but he reached for his tea. His eyes widened for a moment after taking a sip before he continued to drink it. "Is it any good? You know, I used to do a lot of work around the tea ships down at the dock." He confided as you grabbed your cup and took a sip. "I thought you were an inspector." Ciel commented

"Yes, but I was raised in the east end. No parents or siblings to rely on, so I did whatever work came my way to survive." He entertained as you placed your cup down on its saucer. "In that case, you've certainly done well for yourself." You complimented. "Tell me the truth now, Phantomhive's. You two really don't have anything to do with the drugs, do you? Or the queens letter." Abberline asked calmly and sat himself on your bed as you sighed "Are you finally beginning your interrogation?" Your brother asked

"Not really. The commissioner's instruction was just to confine you here." Abberline dismissed "Then I would recommend you don't try to get involved. This game is between us-" you gestured to yourself and your brother "And whoever is pulling the strings so why don't you just sit there and follow orders like the good little pawn you are?" You mocked with a put in your voice.

"That's the secret to long life and quick promotion." Ciel added as he took another sip of his tea. "Yes, I know." Abberline responded as he looked down at his lap sadly.

It was late into the night and Ciel still sat at the table while you were messing with your own hair, he suddenly crumpled the paper he was reading and stood up. He grabbed your coat and helped you put it on as you did the same for him and followed as he walked out the cell. You two then silently speed walked down the bridge connecting the two buildings when you heard your names being called out. "Ciel! Y/n! Where are you going?" Abberline asked

"We're simply tired of this confinement, Y/n was getting bored so we'd thought it'd be best to take a little walk." Ciel lied as you two turned your heads back to the man. "What is it you think you can accomplish on your own?" He questioned "Do not underestimate the Phantomhives. Have you any idea just how many years the members of our family held sway in the underworld? We still have all of the pawns we need." You retorted with a glare

"You mean the same lot you've been trying to get in touch with for days? None of them have reached out. They have left you two all alone. Am I wrong, Ciel, Y/n?" Abberline stated, trying to get under your skins "Fear and profit. Those are the only ties that bind in the underworld, and I'm afraid you can provide neither at the moment." He added as you huffed out a laugh.

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