[90] I am so sorry.

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"Contact Abberline and inform him about the facility in bath as well as Violets whereabouts

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"Contact Abberline and inform him about the facility in bath as well as Violets whereabouts." Your brother ordered as you and him walked outside with Sebastian covering your heads with an umbrella. "Understood."

"With all these bureaucrats dead, it's safe to bet parliament will fall inside absolute turmoil. Also, notify the the double Charles's" you ordered "Of course. Nevertheless, I wonder why Bravat returned to London. Even though at one point he had left to escape the maelstrom." Sebastian expressed as your brother agreed.

"Yes, that's been bothering me as well. It means that he returned for a reason of such important he risked endangering himself." He said as you spoke up. "At this point, all we have left is to capture him and wrong our the truth from him."

"In any case, Lizzie's being quite a pain. Even with this whole mess going on, she won't come home at all. What could she be thinking at a time like this?" Your brother muttered "The s4 has been dissolved. And Bravat fortune telling has proven to be nothing more than a blood experiment combined with cold reading and leading questions."

"Miss Elizabeth's said that, 'She, for one, cannot return to that side.'" Sebastian informed as you turned your head to him. "What?" You asked "When she pointed her sword at me back at the music hall, that is what she stated. Back then, I thought it nothing more than your typical mental state of those who idolize a religion, but..."

"So what of it?" You asked as the man handed the umbrella to your brother. "...No, well, even if I were to argue the subject here, I doubt we would reach a conclusion. I apologize for bringing up a superfluous discussion. Everything will be made clear once miss Elizabeth is brought home. Let us return to the townhouse for now. While you both rest, young master, mistress, I shall send out the reports and start investing." He informed before walking off to secure a cab.

"I, for one?" You brought asked as you tilted your head. "Cannot return to 'that side'?"


"Riding in the Hansom can always makes me sore." Your brother complained as you shivered. "It's mighty cold. I'm afraid I'll catch a cold." You said as Sebastian chuckled and closed the umbrella. "I'll prepare some hot tea right this instant." He said before he suddenly tensed up.

"Is something the matter, Sebastian?" Your brother asked as the man slowly opened the door of the townhouse. The sight of blood immediately made your heart start to race. "Wait... We were only gone for a few hours, what happened?" Your voice trembled as you quickly shoved Sebastian aside and ran along the trail of blood. "There's so much blood... What in the blazes happened here?" You heard your brother say as he and Sebastian were still surveying the entrance.

You kept following the trail as it seemed to drag along a few rooms until you stopped at the front of a hallway. "... Agni...is that-" you choked out as you saw the back of the man impaled with multiple knifes and just bleeding out profusely, he was standing and it gave you the hope that he was alive and just barely clinging on.

"Agni... Agni!!" You cried out as you ran to the man and tried shaking him, you opened up the collar of his clothes and pressed your hand on his bare chest to look for a heartbeat but his whole body was still. You then pressed your ear against his chest and all you could hear was just your own heartbeat and blood rushing through your ears.

No heartbeat. No breathing. No sounds coming from him. No Agni. No... No. No! NO! "AGNI!!!" You screamed and backed up to a wall as your knees felt weak. You heard two footsteps run to where you were as Sebastian and Ciel saw that you were an absolute mess. Your hair was starting to become messy and tears were falling down your face quickly and even some of his blood was on your hands that eventually smeared on your face.

Sebastian only tried opening the door that Agni used a firm grip to keep closed and eventually had to break it open. "Well, well." He said in amusement as Soma was inside the room bawling his eyes out and hiccuping. "Your masters safety and happiness are indeed your top priority. Mr. Agni, you truly are indeed, an exemplar butler."

Your brother went over to you and placed your head on his shoulder as he rubbed your back. "I know, I know... I'm sorry, moonflower. I really am." He whispered as he pulled your head back and wiped your face as you hiccuped. "I- he's- dead! Brother, Agni is dead!!" you cried out as he hushed you. "You look so pretty, you always look so pretty. But it hurts to see you crying like this. Here, blow your nose. I'll go check inside. You stay here." He ordered and gave you a handkerchief as he went to peek inside the room Agni was protecting.

"You're still alive?!" He gasped as you assumed Soma was still inside. "Soma! Are you hur-" you exclaimed as you also looked inside the room to see the boy looking at your brother in horror. He let out a cry before jumping out the room and punching your brother square in the face before suddenly grabbing you in a protective manner and drawing you away from your brother. But Sebastian swiftly knocked the prince out, causing him to fall against you and you to fall against you brother who eventually fell as well.

You both lay panting and looking at the boy in shock as Sebastian seemed almost bored. "It appears that master Soma is in a terribly confused state. Though it is quite understandable given the situation." He said as your brother grit his teeth. "This is why I told you... Not to... Get involved with us!" He seethed as you looked down at the passed out boy in pity. After a minute you took a deep shaky breath and stood yourself up.

"Search the house. I want to know the objective of this attack. Something unnatural must be behind this. Agni could probably take ten muscular men easily." You ordered as you pulled out your gun. "Yes, mistress." Sebastian responded as your brother also pulled out his gun and you three began searching the mansion.


"Nothing seems to be damaged, the only thing left is your room and the young mistress'" Sebastian informed as you three entered your brothers room, first. And on the wall, engraved with a knife, it read 'WHO STOLE THE CANDY FROM MY TUMMY?' "Who stole the candy from my tummy?... It asks." Sebastian read out, unbothered.

"We should probably assume that this is a message left from the perpetrators, but these words seem to have very little relation to Bravat." He said calmly and looked back at the two of you to see you both sharing a look of horror. "...No..." "...it can't be..." "Young master, mistress?" Sebastian called you both to see you two visibly flinch.

"It... It appears the perpetrators have already fled the building, I suggest we check the mistress' room." He suggests as you both nodded. After your door freaked open Sebastian was the first one to enter and there was also something engraved on the wall. 'MY SWEET ♡' It read with an ugly heart as your stomach sank.

"It seems they're partially targeting you, my lady." Sebastian informed as you nodded hesitantly. "I can see that..." You remarked as your voice shook in fear, but your brother then quickly cleared his throat. "Let us first focus on being the wounded over to Sullivan." He ordered as you both quietly walked out and down the stairs. Sebastian only looked at you two suspiciously, you knew something and were keeping it from him.

The man picked up Soma who was still passed out as his body relaxed and so was his hand when something fell out. "Hmm? He dropped something..." Ciel pointed out as you crouched to pick it up and inspected it. Your eyes widened at the sight as you passed it to your brother who also inspected it and started shaking again.

"Sebas... Tian..." Your brother calls out as the man turned to you both with a raised brow. "Yes, what is it?" He asked as you looked up at him and he could see your eye was dull. Very quietly, matching the quietness of the house, you asked. "You... You're not lying to us, are you...?"

He seemed to pause for a moment before sighing in a disappointed manner. "No, unfortunately, I am not. I do not tell lies."

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