[67] "Do you think you'll buy me lots of diamonds?"

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"I know you'll make this dress look beautiful, my lady!" The dorm maid praised as she was helping you into new undergarments after you'd taken a bath to wipe off all the sweat

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"I know you'll make this dress look beautiful, my lady!" The dorm maid praised as she was helping you into new undergarments after you'd taken a bath to wipe off all the sweat. "I hope so. I got a pretty nasty hit earlier." You lightly joked as she began to place on your corset. "Nonsense! Everything about you is perfect! A pretty girl can make any outfit look marvelous. There's no better pleasure than to live as a beauty." She said as she tied the extra string around your waist and made a bow with it before setting out the tailored clothes in front of you.

"It looks simple by itself but you'll make it look wonderful!" She reassured as she helped you slip on the top of the dress before taking the skirt. "May I ask why you wear such short trousers beneath your dresses?" She asked, referring to your shorts. "I have a bunch of younger family that visit. It'll be a bother changing every time to race them. So why not just wear these underneath?" You made up a lie as she tied the skirt around your hips and made neat bow. "Do you now? How interesting." She made a sound of amusement as you chuckled.

"It saves me time. Besides, dresses can get flimsy sometimes." You laughed off as she patted your shoulder. "Alright, my lady. This is as much as I can do for now. I suggest your maid take care of your hair and makeup." She sighed out as she used her knee to help her up off the ground. "Yes, could you be a dear and call her over for me? I'm afraid I'm still a bit cold from my bath." You requested as she nods and went off to grab Mey-Rin who tied back the hair in the front and let the back fall down as you had to have a hat on as the cox.


You finished getting ready and let your skirt trail behind you as you walked out confidently and placed a hand on the sword secured on your hip. "My lady! Quick get in! We'll take a picture!" McMillan urged you as you quickly stood at the other end of the line full of your teammates and held a bouquet of flowers with a sweet smile as the picture was taken.


"I'll explain the parade sequence then." Bluer began as everyone was standing in front of the boat ready to board. "We'll get on the fellows and then go along the thames. Once we approach Windsor castle, we'll all take off our hats and salute the queen. Then we'll throw the flowers from our hats into the river and return." He finished explaining before firmly stating. "I won't allow any failures! Hold on til the very end!"



"Ready! Go!" You ordered as you sat at the end of the boat and the team members began rowing the boat along the river.

"So pretty..."
"Catch! Row!"

After some time the crowd got excited as a carriage came up and three figures came down onto the bridge.

"Up on the bridge!! It's the queen!"
"I can't see!"

"I'm getting nervous!" A teammate panicked as Bluer snapped. "Fools! Don't lose pace!!" He ordered as you and your brother stood up simultaneously.

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