[42] He fumbled bad 🤧

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You looked around at the children who were alive and missing but their eyes showed otherwise, the way they sat so calm, none of them screaming or crying like how they did when you were dragged there

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You looked around at the children who were alive and missing but their eyes showed otherwise, the way they sat so calm, none of them screaming or crying like how they did when you were dragged there. The stitches on the sides of their head imply surgery was performed on them. "You know, my lord, my lady, I remember it perfectly. The day we met is crystal clear inside my mind." Kelvin said as he presented what he had constructed before turning back to you two with a wide eyed smile. "Indeed. This is the culmination of what began that day five years ago." He said as you remembered being introduced to him.

You were standing next to your father, holding your brothers hand as he looked out the window, he seemed to turn around to greet a guest as you did as well. "I wanted you to meet... this is the Baron Kelvin." The host introduced your father to the man as he put out his hand. "It- it's a pleasure." He said as your father smiled. "The pleasure is mine." He said as he shook the man's hand before placing it on Ciel's head. "Go on. Introduce yourself to the baron now." He told him as he smile. "Yes, sir. Hi, baron Kelvin. It's so nice to meet you. My names Ciel." He introduced himself with a smile as you and your brother hid behind your father. "Do excuse them. They can be a touch shy, you know. Their health's are a bit fragile, so I don't take him out much but my darling here insists most of the time." He told the baron as he smoothed your hair and grabbed your hand to stand in front of him.

"Go on sweetheart, introduce yourself as well." He insisted as you shook your head and ran back behind his legs to your brother. "Oh! Uncle Chlaus is here!" Ciel shouted as you saw the man walk up. "Well, Ciel! Guten Tag! It's good to see you." He greeted Ciel as he picked up the boy. You also ran up to the man and raised your arms for him to pick you up. "Y/n! My little pearl! What a sight for sore eyes!" He said as he picked you up and spun you around. "Chlaus! You're finally back!" Your father greeted as he gave the man a hug after he put down you and Ciel. "Vincent, my friend, the whole family is here? That's rare indeed!" He asked as he took a glance at you and your brother standing by your father

"He insisted on coming with us, and my sweetheart always wants to go everywhere. They're still weak from their illness, though. I say. Why, it feels as if you left us ages ago." He told the man as he placed his hands on your heads. "German beauties require some patience. Find it a chaste lot." Chlaus told your father. "Indeed?" He asked the man as he continued conversing with him.

"I've never forgotten that pain. I, who had given up everything to meet you both was the only one who wouldn't be able to. I couldn't understand why cruel fate was to bent on keeping us apart." Kelvin explained with a slight laugh as he continued "And then one day, just like that... they were all gone. You did it. You killed them. It was you, was it not, my lord? How I envy them such a death! To meet your end with the cold moon gleaming above you- how beautiful! Please, I beg you! Allow me to share their fate!" He pleaded your brother as you grew extremely disgusted.

"Look around! I've prepared everything exactly as it was then. A perfect copy! The ritual chamber. The lambs in their cages. And the most important parts. You both, my lord, my lady!" He shouted as you both shot at his stomach once. You both seethed with anger as Joker shouted. "No, father!" He removed his prosthetic hand to uncover a dagger hidden in the prosthetic forearm as he ran towards you both with a yell. But his arm was cut clean off by Sebastian.

"I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to please stay out of my young lord and lady's way." He requested as Kelvin fell to the floor as quick as Joker did. "It hurts, my lord! Please, it's such agony, my lady! Kill me. I'm ready to die. Please give me the same death you gave them. Is that asking so much?" He pleaded as he crawled towards your brothers feet to beg him.

"You want the same death they had?" He asked as he kicked Kelvin in the face before stomping on his head. "Than you'd better prostrate yourself like the work you are and bag a demon to kill you." He ordered as he pointed his gun to Kelvin's corpse. "Please don't shoot! Let him live, I beg you! Whatever else it may be. Whatever else he's done, he's still our savior!" Joker pleaded as you turned to glare at him.

"Abandoned by our parents, ignored by the state, we lived each day in fear of starvation before he came. And there are young ones back at the workhouse still- our brothers and sisters who rely on his support. They'll die without him! So I beg you, please-" Joker was interrupted by you. "I see know. That's why you kidnapped all the children. You were only too happy to obey this worm and sacrifice others' live to save your own skins. What pathetic people you are." You spat at him as he sat on his knees and looked at you with wide eyes.

"That's right, we were. You nobles may not see it, but England is a living hell for people like us. We had nothing- no money for bread, not even whole bodies with which to protect our friends. Then father came, he rescued us from the streets and gave us the limbs we needed to make our own money. That's why we agreed to do what he wanted. Even if another hell is waiting for us. In all this time I've never once doubted that what we were doing was wrong. But I couldn't stop." He explained

"In my opinion, it wasn't wrong. You fought to protect the only world in which you felt safe. What's wrong about that? Really, injustice is nothing more than a line drawn by those in power to serve their own ends. It falls to each person to look after his own. If you're careless, you'll be robbed. It's that simple." Ciel said as Joker looked at him in surprise.

"You see, there are only two kinds of people in this world. Those who steal and those who are stolen from. Today we are the former. The people who have come to steal your futures away from you. That's all there really is." You stated as Joker looked down with a small huff before laying on the floor and laughing. "And I can't stop either of yeh!" He laughed.

"But you know... you'll lose something precious tonight, too. Even as we speak, the troupe is on its way to your manor." Joker revealed as you stayed calm but your brother had a slightly worried look on his face. "Surely, you don't think that it was pure luck that we managed to abduct all those children without getting caught? No, you see... all the witnesses disappear." He said in an almost gleeful tone

"At this point we're professionals. If anyone crosses our path on the job for any reason we eliminate them. You're the targets, of course, but neither of you are there. I wonder how many will be killed while they search for both of you." Joker mocked as Ciel frowned. "Witness elimination?" He asked. "Exactly. Everybody, even the servants." He added. "Our servants?" Your brother questioned, the ones you hired? Sebastian chuckled as Joker frowned "What's so damn funny?" He asked as you laughed mockingly. "Your friends are in for a surprise. They're not just any servants, they're Phantomhive servants."

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