[7] Bro deadass had it coming

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"A Holiday, young master? In this season?" Sebastian asked Ciel as he placed down your snack and tea to which you ate immediately

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"A Holiday, young master? In this season?" Sebastian asked Ciel as he placed down your snack and tea to which you ate immediately. "Yes, indeed." Ciel answered after he took a sip of his tea and placed the cup back down on its saucer before continuing.

"Tell me, have you ever heard of a pastime known as bear baiting?" Ciel asked. "The notion does sound entertaining but I'm afraid I have not heard of it. Indulge me, sir?" Sebastian requested to which Ciel explained. "A bear is chained to a fence. It is then surrounded by vicious dogs. Which slowly bite and kill it."

"That sounds like something only a human would dream up." Sebastian commented "It was banned back in 1835 when the Cruelty to Animals Act was instated. However there was still a loophole. The attack dogs that they used were not banned. So a new game developed." Ciel finished explaining.

"They used dogs to attack dogs?" You asked to which Ciel nodded and took a bite of his cake. "Let's see. Would that be dog baiting?" Sebastian asked "There's a village in which it's quite popular, known as Houndsworth. It has long been known for raising fierce hunting dogs, but they take it further." Ciel continued

"It breaks her majesty's heart. So, we'll secure the village as land for a royal estate. A simple pretext to end the atrocities." Ciel explained as you look down at the opened envelope. "A village full of dogs?" Sebastian asked "Yes, why?" You questioned and turned your gaze up to Sebastian who placed a hand over his chest.

"Well, please forgive me, master, mistress. This seems a rather insignificant task for one of your stations to take on." Sebastian addressed

"Sebastian." Ciel called to him as he opened his eyes to Ciel clasping his hands with a sort of irritated look in his eyes. "You should know by now that I have my reasons. This is indeed a task fit for a Phantomhive."

You all were riding on the wagon on the way to Houndsworth and Finny pointed out a woman walking on the side with a stroller. "Tanaka, stop!" Finny called to which he halted the wagon beside the woman as Finny jumped out to assist her.

"Let me help you, granny!" Finny offered as Mey Rin called out. "No, you shouldn't do that, Finny! If you aren't careful, you might hurt the baby!" But was too late as Finny lifted the stroller high above his head upside down. "What did you say?" Before he realized what he did and placed down the stroller oh so lovingly that he knocked off the hood of the stroller. "I'm so sorry!"

"Oh, this is awful! Is the baby okay?" Mey Rin asked and looked over the wagon into the stroller with Bardroy to see THE SKULL OF AN ANIMAL HEAD to which the elderly woman spoke.

"There is no baby. There is no baby anymore. The child was eaten by it." She said before walking off chanting something.

"That's why we're here. Apparently, a lot of the villagers have been violently killed or gone missing!" You said calmly. "The village has shrunk to a third of its size in the last ten years. A part of our task is to find out why and put an end to the problem." Ciel added as you both looked back at the three who were shocked by your calmness in the midst of what just happened.

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