[31] If he's Alois, THEN WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT 😟

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"There's been a space of strange crimes in the London area recently

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"There's been a space of strange crimes in the London area recently. It seems someone has been gauging out peoples eyes. The victims aren't all of the same class but every last one of them is a young boy." Sebastian informed you and Ciel huffed out. "Eye gouging. How perverse." He commented as you smiled down at your pockets. You took a big load of candy from your stash and shoved them in your pockets to offer to the victims considering they were young and mostly had a sweet tooth.

Your brother seemed to be in a daze as he stared out the window. "Is there something the matter, master?" Sebastian asked your brother who brushed him off. "It's nothing." That had you remember the duel with Alois and how he said 'You're being tricked by a demon.' Was he talking about one of the servants? Or another party?

But still you three arrived at a recent victims home and questioned him.

"I don't know! He just up and stuck his fingers in me eyes. Everything went red. Now can't see nothing, nothing..." The boy said, obviously upset. "Can you describe your attacker?" Your brother asked "He was just a kid, 'bout the same age as I am, only this boy looked plenty rich." He informed as you raised a brow. "A boy?" You asked as the boy cried "The bloody bastard!"

You three left but not before you put some candy in the boys palm and bidding both good bye. As the door closed behind you three there were two young boys playing with the wheels of he carriage. They saw you both and gasped before running away. "Sebastian." You ordered as the butler already knew what you wanted him to do. "Yes."

"We have several witness reports. Without exception, they describe the attacker as a richly dressed young noble." Sebastian provided as you two sat on a crate reading a newspaper. "I'm being mocked, Sebastian." Your brother chuckled "Mocked by whom, master?" Sebastian asked as he raised a brow. Your brother turned his gaze back to the newspaper, "Look, I'll draw a line between the Phantomhive and Trancy estates like so, then connect the various scenes of the crimes. A spider web. Obviously he's behind this." Ciel pointed out as you looked at the page in astonishment.

"Wow! You actually payed that much attention to detail?" You asked as you looked at the paper and looked at the destinations. "It may be possible that his butler is acting on his own." Sebastian suggested "So he survived. He's persistent, I'll give him that much." Your brother replied at the suggestion.

"Young master." "Trancy. He is still alive. A butler always answers his masters questions truthfully and without hesitation, am I right?" Your brother asked "Quite right, lord." Sebastian bowed as you turned your gaze to Sebastian, paying attention to his expression. "You aren't hiding anything about Alois from me, are you?" You asked. His small frown turns to an relaxed expression

"No. I'm not hiding anything about Alois." He responded, trying to seem calm and chill like he knew nothing. You knew. "In that case-" your brother was about to continue as he hopped off the crate and took your hand to help you down when a loud crash was heard. Your brothers gentle grip became firm and quick as he pulled you down into his arm as Sebastian picked you both up and jumped up on an empty stall.

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