[6] Tf are we doing with the flowers?

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The door was kicked open by none other than Ciel who had a red dress in one hand and yours in the other

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The door was kicked open by none other than Ciel who had a red dress in one hand and yours in the other. You both walked down as people murmured.

"Is that the Phantomhive boy?"
"The mistress is here as well!"
"With a scarlet dress?"
"How inappropriate! Even the lady has one on!"
"Not so, think of how she loved the color red."

Ciel climbed up the steps with you in tow as he laid the dress on top of the white one she was wearing. "White flowers and plain dresses didn't suit you in life, and they don't now." Ciel whispered as you brought up the red spider lily in your hand and placed it between her ear.

"You belong in red. The color of passion, the color of spider lillies." You whispered and as you both said your goodbyes red rose petals started flying in. "Rest peacefully, Madam Red." You both said at the same time before exiting.

"You're not going to report the true identity of Jack the Ripper to the queen?" Lau asked as he leaned back against a window.

"We agreed that it isn't necessary. She simply instructed us to stop the incidents, and now we've seen to that." Ciel answered. "Your world is full of quicksand, and you keep letting yourself sink further and further in, but even if you reach the point of no return and all looks lost. You'll still never call out for help, no none of us will hear lord Phantomhive's pathetic screams. The queens dog is too proud for that. Which makes you a formidable opponent, I'll have to be careful around you."

"Watch yourself Lau." You said in a sweet tone as he smiled and waved his hand, "Just teasing, my lady."

"Now that you mention it, opium dens are beginning to become a problem. If you want to get out, now's the time." You brought up while twirling the end of your hair. "If I did that I'd have to think of another business to run and that sounds like more trouble than it's worth." Lau responded.

"Well, you could always go back to your home country." Ciel retorted as he placed his hat on his head and secured your arm around his. "Oh, but I haven't exhausted my interest in this country quite yet." Lau took a few steps towards the two of you and bent down near Ciel to whisper in his ear. He then walked away with a wave and said "I fully expect more challenges from you and the lady."

Ciel only turned towards the other end of the hallway and proceeded to walk. "We have somewhere to go, come." He said to Sebastian.

"This is her?" Sebastian asked as you four stood in front of the grave of the last victim. "Yes, indeed it is. My last customer from Jack the Ripper." Undertaker responded while holding a bouquet of white flowers.

"Apparently she was an immigrant. She had no family in the country to claim her body." Ciel informed as Undertaker rubbed his cheek. "So our kindhearted Earl and Countess hired me to pretty her up. Even had this gravestone erected. A truly noble act on their part, eh?" Undertaker asked before switching to pet your hair.

"This isn't noble at all. The noble thing to do would have been to save her and I could have, if I put her life first, but no, I had to catch them. Apprehending Jack the Ripper was more important." Ciel said when his grip on your hand became more secure.

"I knew they intended to kill her, I knew and I let her die along with our aunt." He said lowly as Undertaker stopped petting your hair and leaned his head between the two of you "You regret what you did, my lord?" He asked.

"No, I don't. Jack the Ripper is gone forever, and we've done exactly as her majesty asked of us." Ciel responded

"Victoria, eh? I don't much like her. She just sits back and watches while you do all her dirty work for her. She even has the little lady risking her pretty face too! It doesn't seem fair to me." Undertaker complained "That's what the Phantomhive's do. It's our duty passed down through generations along with his ring." You said and brought up Ciels hand that held the family ring.

"That ring reminds me of a collar a master puts on her dog. You're forever tied to queen by the leash of duty." Undertaker said while placing a hand on his shoulder "We both chose this life. Stop!" Ciel retorted and shook Undertakers hand off his shoulder but he quickly grabbed Ciels tie and pulled it to make Ciel face him.

"Lord Phantomhive, you should be weary of the path down which duty will take you. That collar may choke you yet," Undertaker let go of Ciels tie and let him fall back towards Sebastian who steadied him. "And we wouldn't want that now, would we?" He placed the white flower bouquet in Ciels hands and gave you a gentle pinch on the cheek before walking off.

"Do come by if you need my assistance again. You and that hilarious butler of yours along with the mistress are always welcome." Undertaker cackled.

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