[3]Sucker punch

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The bell in the city chimed loudly as your carriage stopped in front of a store and you walked in with your brother and Sebastian

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The bell in the city chimed loudly as your carriage stopped in front of a store and you walked in with your brother and Sebastian. "Hmm? Oh, hello, boy, girl. Did your father send you two for something?" The man asked as Sebastian answered for the two of you. "Actually, they're here on their own business. We need to pick this up." Sebastian said, handing a paper to the man.

"Oh, you're here for that walking stick. I was wondering who would have a use for one as short as this. Naturally, I didn't think a chi-" the man was interested by Sebastian pointed the end of the stick right in between his eyes. "Straight as an arrow. A magnificent stick, indeed, good sir." The man only stammered in response and you three walked out without saying anything else and leaving a big of coins on the counter "keep the change. Good day."

"That ridiculous strength of Finny's is a menace. How could someone accidentally break a walking stick? It's a pain to special order a new one." Ciel complained as you three walked around "Certainly. What a pity to go through all that trouble. You haven't even had a growth spurt in years." Sebastian said, teasing Ciel.

"And speaking of trouble I don't know how well Grell is going to work out. We shouldn't stay away for too long." Sebastian advised.

You walked out the carriage and when Sebastian opened the door you expected to see the manor how it was left when you three went to get the walking stick but it was decorated in all sorts of things. "My mansion!" You and a Ciel shouted in shock as you strained your neck to look around at how far the decorations went. "What happened to this place? Why, it's a disaster!" Sebastian asked as the servants came running

"What is going on Here? And why on earth are you all dressed like lunatics?" Sebastian demanded to know "She's crazy! Crazy!" Bardroy said "Who is crazy?" Ciel asked Bard before anyone could say anything you two heard gagging sounds coming from another room.

You opened the door to see Grell hanging with bows on. "What are you doing now?" Ciel asked "At the moment I believe I'm in the process of dying. Master Ciel." Grell said in a hoarse voice. You groaned "Get him down Sebastian." You ordered him "Yes, madam." Then a blonde girl came dashing towards Ciel and engulfed him in a hug.

"Ciel, you're back! I missed you so much!" Your brothers fiancé said while hugging him. "Elizabeth, what a surprise!"

"Oh, how many times do I have to tell you? Call me Lizzie! Aww you really are trust the cutest thing ever, aren't you, darling boy? I could just eat you up!" Elizabeth said, hugging him tightly

"Lady Elizabeth." Sebastian addressed her as she greeted him. She let go of Ciel as he seems out of it and slumped in your arms. "Aww you took him down?" Elizabeth asked, gesturing to Grell who was being held by his collar by Sebastian. "Yes, he detracted from the beauty of the room." Sebastian said, insulting Grell.

"But I made such a lovely decoration out of him!" She whined "A decoration?" "Yes! Just Look at it all! Isn't the salon so cute now?" She asked as Ciel almost gagged at the amount of pink. "From now in only the cutest things belong in the Phantomhive manor!" She said "Including you, my darling Y/n!" She said as she gave you a tight hug. "I'm flattered." You said, trying to speak between gasps of air.

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