[50] he's acting so diferent 😦

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"Crikey! So this is the Campania?" Finny asked as he looked at the boat in amazement

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"Crikey! So this is the Campania?" Finny asked as he looked at the boat in amazement. "She's 'uge!" "An' lovely, too!" Bard and Mey added as you and Ciel gazed at the ship. "The so called 'Ship of dreams.' The majestic star line staked its entire future on this transatlantic luxury liner. They have much to lose." You said while gazing at the ship as Finny ran up to you both. "Just looking at 'er is enough to take me breath away! Blimey, Snake! Yer so lucky you get to go!" He said to you three as Snake was carrying luggage. "Don't worry, Finny, I'll take you on a trip sometime, 'Kay?" You told he boy as he nodded with an eager smile.

"You best look after the master and mistress for us, now." Bard told him as Mey held her face. "I've always dreamed o' goin' on a sea voyage!" "That's enough gawking. I trust you will see to your duties and keep out of trouble while we're away." Sebastian told the servants as you and your brother walked up the bridge. "Now then. Let's be off." He ordered as the servants waved and shouted their goodbyes.

It soon set off as the breeze against your skin felt refreshing. "That's it, then. We've left dry land behind." Sebastian announced "Yes we have. For now, dry land and England are behind us, and I suppose only the Atlantic knows what lies ahead." Ciel said as he looked ahead at the bare water. Your purpose was to infiltrate the Aurora Society and also make sure that your brother spends time with Elizabeth, and if she wanted she could spend some time with you but she wanted to hang out with your brother mostly.

"Ciel? Y/n?" You heard Elizabeth's voice call you and your brother as you two turned to see her with aunt Frannie, uncle Alex, and Edward. "You're both here, when I first invited you two, you said you wouldn't the able to get away, and Y/n would try her best to get on." She said as Ciel clarified with a smile. "Yes. Forgive us, but we were hoping to surprise you." He said as she smiled and ran to hug you both, you hugged her back with a small smile and giggle. "You both took time off just to be with me? That's so adorable!" She said as aunt Frannie calmed her down.

"Thats quite enough. We're in public, Elizabeth. Show some decorum." She reminded as Edward added. "Mother is right Lizzie. You're making a spectacle. Furthermore- betrothed or not, I refuse to recognize you as my future brother. Now you will unhand her at once!" He demanded that Ciel took his hands off of her as Elizabeth cooed. "You're not still on about that, are you, brother dear?"

As she was distracted with her brother, uncle Alex was glaring at your brother. "Ah, lord Scotney, what a pleasure. It's been too long, truly." "A pleasure to see you, lord Scotney." You two greeted the man who hugged you both. "I'm so terribly glad you two came! I've missed my future son and my dear niece!" "You're too kind, my lord." You added as you hugged him back tightly.
"Honestly, father!"
You then turned to them and bowed properly in a greeting. "Lady Scotney, Edward, good to see you both." "Greetings, lady Phantomhive, my, you're still growing, you'll be a fine lady one day." Aunt Frannie complimented as you covered your smile with a fan. "You're too kind, my lady." "Mother is right." Edward confidently said with a proud smile as he smoothed your hair. "I can't help but smile, how kind of you to say." You thanked him as he nodded.

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