[54] Bro got so scared 😢

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"Yes, indeed you are, my lord

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"Yes, indeed you are, my lord." Sebastian agreed as he continued coughing. "Now I'm wondering if I should feel bad for preying upon an injured animal." Ronald sighed but was sucker punched by Sebastian and was thrown around by him. While Grell and Undertaker were going at it as well.

Eventually it drew to an end as Ronald was slammed into Grell, hurting the two. "Young chaos these days are so much weaker than they used to be." Sebastian mocked as you three stood atop a pile of rubble and looked down at the three reapers. "Now, that just leaves one." Sebastian concluded when the ship began moving again. You two stumbled "My lord! My lady!" Sebastian said as he grabbed you both. From your positions the glass panels that were usually above were now leveled with you three and the glass began cracking and breaking. It eventually broke open and water began pouring in.

"Alas, the time has come for us to part. I've enjoyed myself immensely!" Undertaker commented as Grell and Sebastian took the opportunity to get at him, Sebastian was still carrying you both and you just so happened to notice his chain come loose. You saw how undertaker reacted to it falling off and grabbed it securely. Sebastian landed on a lower part while Undertaker jumped up to a pile that had water spilling over.

"Well, my lady, I suppose I'll let you hold onto that for a while. Take good care of it for me, won't you? You have no idea what a treasure it is to me." Undertaker allowed you to keep it as you shouted over the water. "Treasure. What does that mean?" You asked with a confused expression. "No doubt we'll meet again, my lord, my lady. Until then!" Undertaker bid his goodbye as he swung his scythe, slicing through the whole ship and cutting it in half.

Sebastian jumped up onto the part that was cut off and jumped from platform all the way to the nose of the ship. He then settled you both onto the nose for a brief moment and placed a safety float on the both of you. "Take a deep breath and hold onto each other however you can." Sebastian advised as he lifted you to into the air. "What?" Ciel sputtered "Forgive me, but our options are rather limited." Sebastian apologized as he threw you to two far away.

"Brother!" You shouted as you floated up to the surface. It was cold and you immediately began shivering but you heard your name being called. "Y/n! Y/n!" Ciel called for you as you saw him a bit away. You noticed there was a rope on your float and threw it towards his shivering frame. "Grab onto it!" You ordered as he did so and you pulled him towards you. "You're alright?" You asked him as he nodded. "Good, can you hold onto his for me, please?" You asked him calmly as he took it.

You began feeling lightheaded due to the sudden movements happening all around as you could hardly hold onto the float. "Y/n... no, grab into my hand! Y/n!" Your brother called and grew scared to feeling horror as he saw you slipping and fall into the icy waters, not being able to grab you and scared he'd lose you again. You felt someone grabbing onto the back of your corset and bring you up onto a surface as you coughed. "It took longer than expected to retrieve this from the ship." Sebastian said as he placed you onto the life boat. Your brother held you in his arms as you both shivered. "Here, please." Sebastian offered his cost as Ciel used it as an attempt to cover you both.

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