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"It must be hard for you with all the requests you get

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"It must be hard for you with all the requests you get. For me it takes the whole of fag time just to fix a button..." McMillan sighed "Clayton is asking you too much with the excuse that he still hasn't chosen a fag."

"It's not that bad. I have a 'trick' to do everything quickly, besides, Y/n here helps me out sometimes, she can't stand having nothing to do." Ciel responded with a lie as he motioned towards you who sat next to him. "You're making me feel like it's a crime to help..." You scoffed as you read through the fifth confession letter of the day and shoved it into a book.

"Well I definitely want to know about that trick." McMillan commented before continuing. "You're really amazing though, you even got a great score in the last test! And you been getting perfect scores everywhere, my lady!" McMillan said in amazement "We're just prepared enough." You said with a small laugh

"Everyone is wondering about which senior will get you as his fag. I guess someone might have a request soon." He informed before whispering to you both. "Personally, I think it might be Clayton." He said as your brother laughed. "I'd be honoured." He replied when Sebastian announced "The lesson is about to start."


"Pha- Pha- Pha- Phantomhives!" A boy shouted your last names as you both turned your heads. "Cole wants to talk to you both!" He informed as he seemed shy and panicked.
"What Cole?!"
"I spoke to him for the first time!"
"I'm sorry, who is 'him'?" You asked "Don't you know? Maurice Cole, a senior, fag of scarlet fox dormitory's prefect. He's the most handsome boy in school where do you two get to know him?!" He exclaimed as you both laughed awkwardly.

"Actually, we've never met him." "Whatever, just go!" McMillan ushered you two as you both walked outside to see a boy with short blonde curls. "Are you both the Phantomhives? Pleased to meet you both! I'm Redmond's fag." He introduced himself as you both walked up to him.

"I'm Ciel Phantomhive." Your brother introduced himself as Cole seemed to analyze him. "And I'm Y/n Phantomhive." You introduced himself as he seemed to analyze you next with a curious stare. "Can we help you?" Your brother asked as he shook his head. "Ah, right! You know prefects and their fags often meet together at the swan gazebo. And the other day we were talking about the amazing new students. Everyone agreed they would like to have a chat with you both." He informed with a smile

"So Phantomhive, would you both come to the swan gazebo tomorrow?" He asked as you placed a hand on your chest, thinking quickly. "We would be glad to!"

"Really? That's great! Well then, we'll be waiting for you at the swan gazebo tomorrow at 4pm!" He concluded before walking off.
"That's, wonderful Phantomhive, lady!"
"Aw, I want to go too!"
"Only p4 can enter the swan gazebo!"
"Tell us about it afterwards!"
"Let's be friends!"


"You seem to be popular, 'professor' Michaelis. Perhaps you could help us figure out something?" You asked as you walked into Sebastian's office. "Yes. Everyone is praising the way I explain and my kindness. I'd really like to show them how your real training method is." He replied as he set down a stack of papers and went over to take off your coat and hat before your brothers.

"We were invited to meet the p4 tomorrow." Ciel told him as he sat down and motioned for you to sit next to him. "I know." "It's a golden chance. We must make sure that the p4 and their followers like us. Y/n's already been allowed to see them whenever she likes but she feels it too sudden to go by herself." He explained

"I guess we'll need some teacakes first of all." You concluded "Exactly. Bah, why do I have to prepare snacks for kids..." He teased you both who were huffing and puffing over in your seat. "Wouldn't that be cute? Instead of bringing them, you'll win them over with real sweets. However, tomorrow at 4 pm I must teach my cricket class. What should I give priority to?" He fake pondered as he set down your tea along with your brothers.

"If you order me, I'll be waiting nearby." He suggested as he stood straight. "We'll be fine ourselves." You insisted as you finished your tea. "This is an order Sebastian. Prepare the best teacakes to amaze the p4." You both ordered "Yes my lord, my lady." He agreed as a knock was heard on the door. "Professor Michaelis?" A student was heard from the other side as you quickly put on your hat, forgetting to tuck your hair in and grabbing your coats quickly.

"Thank you very much!" You both thanked him as the student opened the door. "My pleasure." He smiled as he sat in his seat. "Well then, professor Michaelis. Good night." You said as you walked past the student that seemed stunned to see one of your features already.


"Huh?" You asked as you two arrived at the swan gazebo and seemed confused at their angry and irritated faces. "How could you be two hours late Phantomhive!!! And making the lady late as well!!" Clayton yelled at your brother as you interfered. "But we were told to be here at 4!" You insisted "Huh? I said it right. 2 pm!" Cole insisted as he put on an innocent face.

"It's disgraceful to lie now, Ciel, don't drag your sister into his." You heard Edwards voice said as you both turned to see him standing next to a pillar and looking at you both angrily. "Edward?!" You both shouted "I was an idiot for trusting you... You disappointed me and the seniors. Get out!!" Edward shouted to you both "But we're telling the truth! He really did say 4 pm!" You shouted at him as he looked at you softly.

"Please, N/n. This was your brothers mistake that he wanted to drag you into." He assumed as you felt your brother nudge you to leave with him but you stopped him and slipped off your family ring and held it in your teeth as you took off the glove on your dominant hand and slipped it back on while cracking your knuckles and rolling up your sleeve.

"Fine then," You allowed as you reeled your arm back "not before I give you your favorite goodbye kiss!" You shouted as you slapped him with your palm, then backhanded him, and then punched him square in the face, making sure the ring dug into him good as you sent him back into another pillar as he hit his head hard. The everyone either winced or stared shocked You scoffed before grabbing your brothers arm and walking off angrily, noticing the shocked face of Maurice.


"Damn it! He lied!" You shouted as you threw the basket towards Sebastian's head who caught it. "This is why I hate verbal promises!" Ciel also shouted as he tugged at his hair. "Aww, young master, mistress, did you both underestimate him just because he was a student?" Sebastian teased with a fake pout. "People envy the ones who excel. Surely this is not the first time this has happened to you, I imagine the lady does regularly." He reassured as he held a tray with tea.

"Did you give lord Edward an explanation?" He asked as you angrily ate the strawberry on your snack. "I tried to but they just blamed brother! He keep saying he dragged me into this!" You whined "Well then, do you both plan on crying to sleep together?" Sebastian asked with a raised brow.

"As if! We'll gain the favor of the prefects, no matter what. And get our own back." Ciel declared "Maurice Cole... He'll regret that." You decided as he held a paper containing information about him. "Yes, he will."

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