[71] EAT, EAT!!

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Just as the small girl introduced herself the man carrying her got up in Sebastian's face

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Just as the small girl introduced herself the man carrying her got up in Sebastian's face. "Where did you come from, hah?!" He asked Sebastian as Sullivan swatted his face away. "Quit it, Wolfram! I'm sorry, it's been a long time since someone's come here. And..." She trailed off as she seemed to glance at you and your brother. Wolfram cleared his throat firmly. "I don't know how you got here, but our village Wolfsschlucht doesn't allow visitors to stay. If you understand, leave right away!!" He eventually shouted. "Maybe we should go back and think of a plan." Your brother suggested as he had you stand behind him. Sebastian nodded. "I see. Well then, we shall-"


"You know, I think you don't realize how lucky you are for crossing this forest unscathed." Wolfram commented as Sebastian raised a brow. "What do you mean?" "I'm sure you've heard about it. The werewolf that protects this forest!" He exclaimed as Sebastian placed a when to his chin. "So... You mean this is actually a witches' village protected by a werewolf?" Sebastian asked as the man stayed quiet. Lord Wolfram they are dangerous! We must dispose of them-" The same lady protested as Sullivan turned to her and put a hand out. "Wait!" She halted the woman before whispering to the man.

He lightly jerked his head away, whispering back at her but she held a determined gaze. "Ja... Listen, if you go back now night will come before you can exit the forest. It gets very dangerous at night. I can't guarantee that you'll get home safe. No, better to say that you just won't. So, just this time, were going to let you stay here for the night. We'll give you a place to sleep, leave as soon as the sun rises." He announced just as he turned around, the woman shouted his name.

"Lord Wolfram!! Why are you letting strangers into the 'green Manor'?!" She exclaimed as the man turned to her. "Hilde. 'The young lady' requested so." He firmly stated as she just smacked her teeth and glared at the ground. "They'll let us stay at the landowners manor for the night." You told your brother as he nodded and firmly held you arm as you all proceeded. "First they want us to leave and now they let us stay. What is going on?" Your brother asked "I don't know. However, this is surely not a normal village." Sebastian said as you looked at the pile of torture instruments. Mey Rin shrieked and shouted something but you drowned it out as you seemed to scan the two walking ahead. "After all there might be something occult behind this." You heard your brother say before Sullivan looked back and held eye contact with you.

"Pretty. What's your name?" She asked as your brother seemed confused. "Aha how rude of us to forget to introduce ourselves." Sebastian remembered as you responded to the girl. "I'm Y/n Phantomhive." She then pointed her gaze to your brother and called him. "Shorty. What's your name?" She asked him as you nudged his arm. "She's asking your name." You whispered to him as he nodded. "I'm Ciel Phantomhive."  "Are you two brother and sister?" She asked as you nodded. "How old are you two?" Her curiosity didn't seem to end as you smiled. "I'm 13 years old and my brother is 14." You replied as you all crossed a bridge and reached a gate. "Woah! So deep! You'd die if you fell down!!" Bard exclaimed as he looked over the bridge.

"We're here. This is the 'green Manor'."

You all entered and Finny seemed to direct his attention to a flower as he crouched down. "What a strange flower! I've never seen this before!" He said in amazement. "Be careful!" Sullivan advised before informing. "They're poisonous. Your finger will swell up if you touch them." She informed as Finny backed up immediately. You all entered as Wolfram tuned back. "This way."  He said as the servants stayed out while you guys seemed to reach a dining hall.


"Wolfram prepare everything. Also show the servants their rooms." Sullivan ordered Wolfram who set her down onto a chair decorated with fur. He nodded his head in understanding before leaving as Sebastian pulled out your chair along with your brothers as you sat down. You looked down at her feet and saw how they barely touched the floor and how they were bound. "Her feet are bound, you remember Lau telling us about that custom in China that they bind young girls' feet to keep them small and making them unable to walk?" You whispered to your brother as you looked around the room to keep Sullivan from thinking you're both talking about her. "I don't understand why this would happen in Germany, and to a landowner at that." He whispered back as Sullivan turned to you both.

"Hey. You two." She called as Sebastian chuckled. "I'm really sorry. The young master isn't proficient in German yet." He apologized as the girl nodded. "...I see, and what about her?" She asked as he nodded. "The young mistress can speak perfectly fine." He informed as you nodded at her with a smile. "Very well. May you come closer, I'd like to talk with you." She asked as you noticed that you both sat a chair away from her as Sebastian pulled out your chair for you and pushed it in as you stood before he walked towards the other chair to pull out and sit you in. "Why'd you move?" Ciel asked with a raised brow. "She wants to talk with me." You said calmly before turning back to Sullivan. "Well then, what would you like to talk about?" You asked her with a tilt of your head as she seemed to survey your appearance. "What are those markings on your eye?" She asked, referring to the circle shaped eyeshadow at the end of your eye.

"It's called eyeshadow, ladies use it for many reasons, I use it to go with what I wear." You replied happily as you placed a hand on your cheek. "Is that also eyeshadow?" She asked as you raised a brow. "Im sorry, what are you referring to?" You asked as you leaned closer to her as she placed a finger on the birthmark below your eye. "This small heart below your eye." She said as you made a sound of understanding. "No, this is a birthmark." You laughed off as she nodded and continued talking with you for an hour until her stomach growled. "My body is trying to tell me to take in some food." She said as she placed a hand on her stomach. "Mr. Wolfram is a bit late. Maybe something happened?" Sebastian suggested as he took a look at his pocket watch.

"Indeed, he's later than usual." Sullivan agreed as Sebastian turned to her. "May I go take a look at the kitchen?" "Fine." "Well then, please wait a little." Sebastian requested as he walked off. "Who is that man to you?" She asked as you smiled. "Sebastian is our butler." You informed as she nodded before perking up with another question. "Where are your parents?" She asked as your smile became shallow. "We don't have parents, they passed." You said dryly as she nodded in understanding. You all sat in an awkward silence.


"Maultaschen and Wiener soup. Ham hock eisbien. The desert is rote grütze." Sebastian informed as he and Wolfram set down the food. "This looks good. This meal is gorgeous, good job Wolfram." Sullivan praised her butler as he corrected her. "No... Well, that butler lent me a hand." He informed as Sebastian set down your brothers plate. "This is the least I can do since you're accommodating us. How could I be the Phantomhive's butler if I couldn't provide some assistance?" He asked as Sullivan stabbed the food with a fork. "Let's see..." She said before taking a bite. "Yeah it's good! I've never tasted brad this soft!" She exclaimed as she also took bites of other foods, shuffling it into her mouth and hardly taking bites. "H-how is she eating?" Ciel asked "She doesn't seem to mind other people's impressions." He said as you waved off the two. "Both of you hush.
She's a young girl and she's still learning etiquette. I wouldn't blame her, she seems to have a hearty appetite, I think I ate like that when we were younger." You huffed at the two when the door bursted open with Hilde running through looking pale.

"Lord Wolfram it's terrible!!" She cried out as everyone turned to her. "What happened Hilde?!" Wolfram asked as she panted. "The... The werewolf has shown up!"

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