[38] Shiver me timbers

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Everyone eventually started breaking apart and resuming their practice as you continued talking to your brother and Sebastian

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Everyone eventually started breaking apart and resuming their practice as you continued talking to your brother and Sebastian. "I think it would be worth our time trying to get some answers from him. Even though she couldn't get anything why don't you go-" Ciel was interrupted by Dagger who playfully put him in a headlock. "Come on, look lively! We've got lots of work to do. If you don't practice, Black is going to show you up for sure." He insisted as you laughed. "Well, if Black is covered here I'd best be on my way. I don't think I'll be of any use if he's already practicing like this, I'd just be standing here." You told, indicating that you were leaving as the three of them nodded.

You had slipped into the back area where the main cast were observing and acted like you were doing something to not warrant suspicion if they saw you. "Recruits have all been a bunch of odd ducks lately." Beast scoffed as she let go of the curtain allowing her to see outside. "Ah, yes, but mighty talented ducks they are, just look at Beauty, she's a sweetheart and the crowd loves 'er. Listen, all of yeh. Beast, Wendy, Peter, Jumbo." Joker called their attention him as Peter was standing upside down with one hand and was even doing some push ups with Wendy clapping for him while Jumbo was reading.

"I spoke with Father. He says that we have not yet gathered enough sweets for the main event." He informed them as you could see them all grow tense. "We'll do it tonight. That'll be all, then. Pass it along to Dagger and Doll, eh? And make sure to keep down the noise, Beauty's spot is right in the middle, she'll hear all the moving if we're not careful." He ordered as they all nodded. You quietly snuck out of the tent and made sure they didn't notice as you went to your tent to process what had happened.

The show had concluded already as you stood by Joker who was about to announce tent buddies for Ciel and Sebastian. "And now, the moment yeh all been waiting for! Tent assignments! Exciting, eh?" "Very." Ciel responded boredom as he was drained from carrying things and running everywhere. "Hey, now, what're yeh doin', lookin' so down in the mouth? Remember to smile, Smile." Joker told him as Ciel smiled awkwardly. "Yes, sir."

"Oh, Joker, leave the poor thing alone. He was doing so much hard work today I wouldn't be surprised if he was tired." You told him and pulled him back by his shirt as he laughed. "Okay! The results of our totally random lottery. Smile, you're in tent number eight. And here's yer flat-mate." Joker introduced Ciel to a boy who looks as young as him and smiled. "And Black you're tent number nine." Joker informed him as your eyes widened a bit.

"Seba- you mean Black isn't in the same tent as I am?" Ciel asked as Joker looked confused, "No, why on earth should he be?" He asked as Dagger laughed. "You're tied pretty tight to Black's apron strings, eh? Time to strike out on your own, mate." Dagger told him as Ciel smiled nervously. "I mean, I don't see why not, he's more comfortable rooming with Black." You insisted

"No, it isn't like that, really." Your brother excused what Dagger said as Joker moved on. "Movin' on, then. Rooming in tent nine with Black will be... ...Suit!" Joker informed as you could see their color drain from Sebastian and Will's faces. "Are you really sure about that, Joker. They don't seem really happy with each other..." You whispered to him as he laughed. "Don't worry, dear. Jus' look 'ow happy they are! That's that. Let's be off then, Dagger, Beauty. We'll just leave these lads to get all settled in." Joker ordered as you tried staying behind but Dagger swung his arm around your shoulders and dragged you with the two. "Come on, it's best if they get alone time and get used to each other by themselves."

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