[32] You didn't even get a say in it 😟

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"Mistress, it is time to wake up

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"Mistress, it is time to wake up." Hannah, the maid, told you as you sat up with a glare. "For tea this morning we have an Earl grey imperial." She informed as she handed you your cup and the saucer. "I know what damn tea this is." You spat as you snatched it from her hands as she only bowed and walked to the closet. She then came out holding a dress and a corset along with shorts and stockings as she placed them on the bed.

You shifted to allow her to undress you and help you put on your undergarments and then your corset. "You have no schedule today, it will be as the master wishes." She informed as she started pulling the strings to tighten the corset. "What of Alois?" You asked as she paused before tying the strings together, "Whatever do you mean? It was your blow that ended him, my lady." She informed

"Is that so?" You replied with a raised brow as she helped you put on your shorts and then reached for the top of the dress. It was a simple navy blue buttoned top that puffed out at your elbows and had ruffles at the cuffs. She was buttoning your top when a loud crash was heard in the distance.

"What was that?" You asked, looking out the window to see what it was, "It was likely just a cat, my lady." She replied calmly and grabbed your skirt that had the same ribbon on most of your dresses that you could detach untie to detach the dress. "You know damn well that wasn't a cat, go check it out when everything is done and tell Claude to strengthen the manors defenses." You ordered as she nodded and unfolded the skirt and wrapped it around your hips and over itself to hide the opening when more crashes were heard.

"Come, my lady. We must take you to the master to guard you both." She insisted after she tied the bow on your skirt and guided you to where Ciel was.

"Y/n!" Ciel called for you as you ran into his arms, "Are you alright? They didn't hurt you, did they?" You check all over his face and hands when he suddenly grasped yours. "Sebastian was the one that burned the village, he made a contract with Luka, he was the one that burnt the village! It was him all along!" Your brother told you as you processed the information and slowly took your hands away.

"What do you mean? No... what?" You asked, who was Luka and what village? "Who is Luka?" You asked. "You don't remember? Y/n, that's our little brother..." he told you as you stepped away, "We don't have a little brother..." you commented as your eyes widened in realization.

"We do! Luka is our little brother! He made the contract with Sebastian and burnt the village down! Remember? We ran down the path together and found him!" Your brother tried getting you to 'remember' but it was you who had to do that.

"No, we don't have a little brother! We made a contract with Sebastian to find out who burnt the house! We ran down the corridor and found our parents dead!" You stated, trying to remind him but he must've been too convinced. No, this isn't your brother.

"What did you do to him?!" You turned to Hannah and shook her by her shoulders demanded an answer, "My lady, we didn't do anything, please calm yourself." She replied calmly as you slapped her, "No! I will not calm myself! To hell with your lame excuses! I know you did something to him! Give me my brother back!" You screamed as tears welled up in your eyes and you began uselessly hitting Hannah like it would bring him back.

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