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You stood on a chess board in front of the queens piece as you looked around the area

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You stood on a chess board in front of the queens piece as you looked around the area. Your older brother, Ciel stood in front of you with a smile and in attire similar to yours, except you had an open skirt to trail behind you. "How unlike my sister to be brought to a standstill." He said as you held an uneasy face. "I'm scared." You told him as he raised a brow. "What is there to be scared of?" He asked as you looked down into your hands. "It's pitch black, I can't see anything." You told him.

"Then why, are you just standing there?" He asked as he leaped to another spot on the board. "Fufu. You're my sister, Y/n. I know everything about you. I'll tell you why, you're actually scared to look straight at it." He explained before resting against a chess piece on your side. "That 'proof of sin' beside you." He finished as you looked at him dejected, his eyes softened as he pushed himself off the piece to walk towards you. "Big brother is sorry. I said something nasty, didn't I?" He asked before lowering his head to get into your view.

"If it's that bad, why don't you stay here forever, with me?" He asked as you clenched your fists. "That's..." "Why do you hesitate? Nothing will hurt you here, right?" He reassured as you pouted. "But I'm..." He then got closer as he grabbed your hands and held them in his. "I know, think it over as much as you'd like." He allowed before slowly wrapping his arms around your waist and bringing you into a hug as one hand rubbed the small if your back while the other smoothed over your hair. "It's your choice, after all."


You stirred up from your sleep as you noticed your brother and Finny did as well. "It woke you both up, didn't it? I'll go have a look so you both go back to sleep." He insisted as he stood up out of his chair and you could hear him creak the door open. You could hear him hesitate to speak as you heard the black of shoes. "Finny. Will you leave for a while?" You heard Sebastian ask him as you immediately ushered your brother under the covers and you held him protectively. "B-but!!" Finny tried keeping him from getting closer as you heard your brother make panicked noises. "I have something very important to discuss with the young master and mistress." Sebastian told Finny as your grip around your brother became firmer. "No! Go away!!" You shouted "Did you hear what I said? Please leave." Sebastian told Finny who blocked him from getting closer.

"P-please wait! The young master and mistress still aren't-!" He tried reasoning as you heard shoes scraping against the floor and a door opening and a body hit the floor. "Thank you for taking care of the young master and mistress. It won't be necessary anymore." He told Finny before he firmly shut the door. The click of his shoes taunted you both as you heard it stop on your side of the bed. "We received a letter from the queen. It seems we'll be thrown out this village tomorrow morning. Brooding over your fears and regrets, curled up in each other and a blanket... Is not what either of you should be doing right now." He told you both "Come, get out of bed." He ordered as your brother shakily replied. "N-No."

"Oh? You'll abandon your positions as the queens watchdog and butterfly, then? Very well, you two won't have to experience any hardship if you're no longer the queens watchdog and butterfly. The servants will surely treat you both well. However. Abandoning your revenger midway... Is against the contract." He said as a black mass tore off the blanket and ripped your brother from your arms as you two were held separately. "Ahhh. What an utterly boring end. I feel sorry for the people that became victim to your boring and useless existences." He sighed out as he held you both by the jaw harshly before allowing the mass to hold onto your bodies and rip off the bandages.

"Well. Since you both are going to be disappearing now any way, it's not as id either of you care. It's not what I was hoping for but... It might fill me up a little bit." He darkly said as you both stayed silent. 'I am going to die. We haven't even carried out or revenge yet... Even the devil thinks I'm useless and has given up on me.'


"Have you decided to stay here forever?" Ciel asked you as he cradled you on the floor and brushed his fingers through your hair. "You're so silly. No one asked you to take revenge." He lightly laughed as you grumbled. "I know." "If you know, then why do you seek revenge?" He asked as you were suddenly in the same cage and clothes as that day. "Because of that choice you made, many people were sacrificed." He said as you saw madam red look at you with a serious gaze. "Did you want to leave your weak self behind?" She asked as you gripped the bars of the cage and shouted. "No!"

"Did you want everything to be yours?" Joker asked with a tilt of his head as you shouted out in frustration. "No!!" "I know." A feminine voice said as you looked to the other side to see your mother and father smiling at you. "You wanted revenge for us, didn't you?" She asked as you shouted in anger "NO!!"

"Why is it that you allowed him to make such a great sacrifice with even that soul of yours at stake to make a contract with me?" Sebastian asked as your throat became dry. "I am not so noble that I would stake my own life for someone else. Not am I so forgiving that I'd sit by and allow someone to trample me. Only him... But I am a selfish and self righteous human being! That's why! I, to clear my own shame and his, I used your power. JUST FOR MYSELF HIM!"


You suddenly struck your hand out. "SEBASTIAN!!! UNHAND US RIGHT NOW, THAT'S AN ORDER! YOU STUPID FUCK!" You ordered as your brother shouted. "YOU BASTARD! LET US GO RIGHT NOW! THAT'S AN ORDER!!" Sebastian was suddenly surprised at the sudden shouts as the masses lessened and laid you both down on the bed. Your brother coughed as you hunched over before suddenly jumping up and slapping Sebastian in the face, hard. "How rude! Handling a lady in such a way! Your mistress and master, even!" You reprimanded him as your brother groaned. "I've never had such a terrible wake up call!!"

Sebastian then smirked as he kneeled down and placed a hand on his chest. "Do excuse me. You both were tossing and turning so badly." He apologized "Good morning, my lady, my lord." He treated you both as your brother pushed him with his foot. "You, really tried to us just now, didn't you?" He asked the man as he smiled. "No, no. I was only 90% serious." He excused as your brother sighed. "So you basically decided on it already." "Mr. Tanaka told me not to take such drastic measures so I kept it off for a while but, you both were carrying on like babies so i unconsciously..." He trailed off as you scoffed.

"Like you would 'unconsciously' eat your master and mistress. Damn demon." You cursed as you sat  back on the bed and adjusted yourself to lay your head on your brother's lap. "Yes. Because I am a demon and a butler."

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