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"What?..." You asked again. "From the looks of it, it seems her majesty wishes for you to enter the circus first and secure your place to investigate further inside." Sebastian explained as your hands shook. "But, what about you two? What about Ciel? Why do I have to go alone?" You asked as Ciel placed a hand on your arm and rubbed his thumb in a soothing manner to reassure you.

"Don't worry, my lady. Once you get in we'll join after some time, you won't be alone for that long." Sebastian explained as you thought about it deeply before nodding your head in understanding. "Alright, I'll go to the show tomorrow, get in and recommend you both, simple." You concluded before nodding. "My lady, do be cautious, most circus' have entrance tests, think carefully about what you'll specialize in before joining. They will run you through multiple tests... my, I might have to attend as well." Sebastian said to himself before you shook your head.

"No, just as you said, Sebastian, my position does require me to be highly skilled in the arts, I'm sure some knife throwing or some acrobatics will get me in easily, yes." You concluded with a nod of your head. "Then it's settled, tomorrow the lady will attend and request to join, the day after she will complete the entrance exam with no hassle and settle a place for herself before we enter." Sebastian summarized the plan as Ciel nodded. "Simple as that, it won't be too long as well, a month or two perhaps." He suggested as you almost shrieked

Sebastian was currently placing your coat on your shoulders as Soma and Agni looked at you in curiosity. "Where are you going Y/n?" Soma asked "I'm going to meet some new people and make news friends, Soma. I'll be gone for some time in the next week so make sure you two take care of Ciel and help Sebastian around the house for a bit." You told them. You two had to stay in the townhouse in London to be able to get to the circus a bit early, it was nice seeing the two again after some time.

"Can I come with you, Y/n?" Soma asked as you laughed. "No, Soma, these are very special people I'll be meeting, once I make some friends I'll be sure to bring you around, alright?" You told him as he nodded. "Do you really have to baby him? He's seventeen!" Ciel commented as you giggled. "Aww, are you mad I'm not treating you the same way?" You asked as you ruffled his hair and he simply grumbled.

"My lady, it is time to depart." Sebastian announced as you turned back to your brother and kissed his cheek. "I'll be back in an hour or so! Bye!" You ran out the house and into the carriage as Sebastian drove you to the circus.

"Remember, my lady, leave a good impression ." Sebastian reminded as you laughed. "I'll make sure to get some information by the time you two get here at the next show, alright?" You promised as Sebastian smiled. "Alright, my lady, it is time." He told you as you nodded and walked into the circus tent, there were about five minutes before the show started. You sat yourself down in an empty seat after checking in your ticket and making said boy checking your ticket blush and entering satisfied.

One by one, the lights dimmed when a singular spotlight sat on a man with orange hair opening his arms happily. "Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls of all ages! Welcome to the incredible, stupendous, unparalleled Noah's Ark Circus!" He greeted as he did some tricks including plastic balls while introducing himself. "I'm joker, this evenings ringleader. A pleasure to meet yeh, it is!" He bowed and let the balls he juggled hit his head as he did another trick with them.

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