[15] You got the warrant 🤪

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With the queens arrival the announcer spoke

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With the queens arrival the announcer spoke. "Ah, my word! Our gracious queen. Her majesty and mother of England. Queen Victoria!" She walked down the carpet as the people murmured. Then they began singing.

"God save our gracious queen~ Long live our noble queen ~ God save the queen~ send her victorious~ Happy and glorious~ Long to reign over us~ God save the queen~" The queen reached her seat and whispered something in her butlers ears before he stood back up straight.

"Her majesty bids me tell you: 'I am so sorry I have been unable to appear before you. However I am now in such perfect health that I may even enjoy curry again. My late husband was exceedingly fond of curry as well. I look forward to your food." Once he finished speaking the crowd cheered as the announcer begun the competition.

Everyone watched Agni in awe as he unwrapped his hand and added the various spices for the curry. Wet was off to the side looking smug but he became irritated when people turned their attention to Sebastian who was doing well. People began questioning him as he started putting chocolate into the curry. "Of course! It's for publicity!" West exclaimed as you stared at him with a frown before going back to Agni and Sebastian

"What an interesting choice." Lau commented. "Damn. What the hell is he doing?" Ciel muttered to himself "Don't worry, I'm sure that there's a catch to this." You whispered in reassurance to your brother as you patted his arm that you were holding. He only used his other hand to pat yours as you both looked up at Sebastian. Agni seemed to have a glimmer of recognition in his eyes before he briefly looked into the crowd, he then grabbed a blue lobster as he gained the crowd's attention again.

"Homard bleu! It's the legendary blue lobster said to exist only in the seas of Brittany!" Lord Druit Sprung up from his seat at the sight of the lobster. "It's beautiful shell wraps around it like a dress wraps around a woman! So perfect, so magnificent." You became a little weirded out by how into detail the Druit went about the lobster before West exclaimed.

"Exactly! You can't just add anything to curry! You see, mine is the truly sophisticated recipe." West seemed proud and everyone watched on in anticipation until the time was over.

"Time up! And now for the judging. First we have Parson Tubb's beef curry!" The announcer said as the judges tried the curry. It was Agnis turn to serve his dish. It was seven different types of curry with Blue lobster.
"So vividly colorful!" The older looking judge praised before he took a bite. "Delicious! Perfect sweetness and the textures like butter melting on your tongue." He praised as another judge spoke up. "On top of that he's given us seven different varieties of curry!"

Lord Druit shuddered before he went on about a woman he met at a ball. "Is now really the place to talk about a woman you supposedly fell in love with when judging curry dishes?" You whispered to your brother as he snickered. "Extraordinary praise! Perhaps his victory has been assured! But we have one more competitor left to go, from the Funtom company!" Sebastian calmly walked up to the judges and present his dish.

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