[81] Reliable

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"You must be the Sieglinde Sullivan who's having a special audience with her majesty

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"You must be the Sieglinde Sullivan who's having a special audience with her majesty." Phipps said as he and Grey stood in front of the entrance of the castle. "We'll show you in, so follow us." Grey announced as Sullivan stuttered. "Ah, yea- yes!" "Is she okay?" Sebastian asked as Wolfram panicked. "The young miss is neurotic!" "I think you mean nervous." You chuckled as you held the mans arm and patted his forearm.

The double Charles's guided you all inside the castle and to the queens drawing room. You sent Sullivan a reassuring smile as Wolfram set her down and she took a big breath. She remembered your practice and gave the queen a curtsy and a calm smile. "It is a great honor to make your acquaintance, your majesty." She repeated what you told her as her majesty smiled

"Oh, what a pretty crusty. It's lovely to meet you, miss witch. Welcome to England. It's a delight o have you." She greeted the girl as she gave her a kiss on her forehead. You, Ciel, and Wolfram collectively sighed in relief as the queen took Brown's hand. "I've had some of my best tea prepared, this way."


"Any kind of cake Phipps makes is delicious! Pick which ever one you wish!" Her majesty offered as Sullivan looked at the display of sweets in awe. "But only one..." Your brother reminded the girl in a whisper as she replied back hastily. "I know!" "Miss witch, do you take sugar in your tea?" Her majesty asked as the girl turned to her. "I shall have one, please." She replied.

"Children, could you tell me about your trip." Victoria requested as you nodded. "Yes. The first of the werewolves' forest, was in fact the poisonous 'mustard gas'. The development of which we halted in England because of its dangerous nature." You started as your brother continued. "The German army had reached the point where they were ready to release it in actual combat." He informed as you raised a hand to the girl sat beside you.

"The one who allowed them to come so far was the green witch, Sullivan here. We believe her intellect will surely further the development of England." You suggested as Victoria took a sip of her tea. "So the small witch is an amazing witch." She said as she placed her cup back down on its saucer. "If she is such an amazing witch... Perhaps she can provide even more amazing feats of magic?" She asked as you and your brother shared looks. Sullivan was silent for a moment before declaring "No, your majesty." Before you all arrived at the castle you three had a talk with Sullivan and Wolfram about using people to gain what you desired, she seemed to stick to the words as they swirled around in your head.

"...oh. then that's a relief." Her majesty sighed as she took another sip of her tea. "I'm always so surprised at her majesty's intuition." Your brother chuckled before taking a sip of his own tea. "It was quite a shock to find that the real cause of the curse was poisonous gas." You inquired with a calm smile as her majesty chuckled "Well girl, you both know I can't handle dreadful things." She chuckled as your brother spoke up.

"We want Sullivan's intellect to be used to help people. She may be young, but she doesn't spare any effort, she if she worked for the sake of your subjects, we think she can guarantee wonderful results." He insisted as Victoria agreed. "Yes, she has endless potential."

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