[10] Bro deadass sunk himself in the water 😹

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"Impressive. Frost Fair certainly is an apt title for this." Sebastian commented as he walked behind you and Ciel. "A large gathering at the foot of the London bridge when the Thames freezes over." You read out from a newspaper you weee currently holding that was promoting the fair. "From what I'm told, it hasn't been held for several decades now. Not since 1814 apparently." Ciel added as you three observed the activities strewn about.

"Step on up, ladies and gents. I've got bargains that would blow even Jack Frost away. Buy something for someone special." A vendor said as you and Ciel chuckled. "Is there something amusing?" Sebastian asked, not getting what you two were laughing at.

"Those goods are all of dubious quality." You said as you kept a hand over your mouth to keep yourself from laughing too loud. "I mean just look at them." "Funtom should set up a stall. Any of our products would be better than what that man is selling, we could even put Y/n's new accessories line up, not many stores have it yet." Ciel said as one toy seemed to catch your eyes.

"Like that, there." Ciel pointed at one of the toys as he saw it aswell and used his walking stick to point at it, the vendor noticed and turned his attention to Ciel. "Ah, hello there, noble lad. You have a good eye." He started but his tone annoyed the two of you. "That piece is one of a kind. It was manufactured by the Funtom Toy company years ago, back when it was still only a small craft studio."

"That is a blatant fake. The Funtom arcs are rare, only three were ever made." Ciel commented as he stared down the replica "My predecessor employed the talent of an artist incredibly skilled in his craft. Since our estate burned down, even we no longer posses one." He continued as you remember seeing Ciel and Elizabeth playing with it when they were younger.

"One most certainly wouldn't turn up here." You commented before you saw a Scotland Yard inspector from the corner of your eye. "A Scotland Yard inspector as time to attend the fair? London must be very peaceful, today anyway." You mocked Abberline as you let go of Ciel to place both of your hands on your hips and send a teasing smirk to the inspector.

"No it's not, im on duty right now!" Abberline replied "Oh? Well then, we'll leave you to earn your wages in the faithful service to the queen and country. Good day, inspector." Ciel mocked as well before sliding his hand around your waist and beginning to walk away with you.

"Wait, come back! I have some questions I want to ask you. Phantomhive!" Abberline said as he rushed after the two of you and reached to place a hand on either of your shoulders but was stopped by Sebastian who slapped his hand away. "Pardon me. But my master and mistress are a touch fragile at the moment. Er, I mean sensitive." Sebastian quickly reworded his sentence as he noticed your frowns.

"Perhaps you could be a trifle more gentle when you're approaching them. Especially because my master is protective of who can touch his gem and who can't." Sebastian explained as Abberline huffed out.

You three agreed to go and sit down to discuss his questions and sat inside a restaurant drinking tea "Now, what is an inspector from the yard doing here?" You asked as the waitress gave you extra cookies that you liked to eat when Lau came over with them. "What's your business, Abberline?" Ciel asked as Abberline looked into the tea cup before explaining.

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