[100] Pain.

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You leaned your head back on the couch placed in your room as you threw an emptied bottle of wine behind you, letting it hit the floor

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You leaned your head back on the couch placed in your room as you threw an emptied bottle of wine behind you, letting it hit the floor.

The maid had changed you in a nightgown that ended above your knees and gathered above your chest so you could go to sleep but right down you were downing alcohol and angel cake. Your body ached as the alcohol made you feel funny and a little bit too focused on your surroundings.

You then brought your head back down with a frown before your glare turned to the maid standing next to the corpse. You felt a sudden pang or anger. Why? Why!! You clenched your teeth before snatching the knife used to cut the cake and abruptly stood up.

You quickly slashed at the laid, taking your anger out on her as limbs fell off, insides spilled out and blood soaked the carpet floor. Blood, guts, and bits of angel cake smeared on your floor, that would take a while to clean up.

But you were precise enough to not any blood touch your skin or splatter on your dress. Your slightly disturbed hair showed that you moved a little quick but you just looked like you were about to go to bed even if you weren't tired.

You had suddenly gotten a bright idea as you grinned. You looked out the window and realized you were situated at the corner of the manor, the best spot to slip away unnoticed. You pushed one couch infront of your door and pushed the other infront of the window. After the small organization you hurriedly ran into your closet and grabbed all of the new dresses Ciel replaced in your closet.

You made a pile and ripped the fabric into long and thick pieces and tied them together, making a rope long enough to touch the ground hopefully. Once you made sure it was secure you tied one end to your bed post and laid the remaining fabric on the couch.

You then went into your closet and tried looking for low heeled shoes or boots. He had them all replaced with 3 inch heels or taller! But you just let out a huff of breath and put on some short length socks before slipping on the comfiest pair of heels you could find. You grabbed a garter and fastened it to your thigh and grabbed a small loaded gun and secured it.

You then walked back to your window and opened it, letting the cool air wake you up fully. And without a second thought you grabbed the make shift rope and let it drop down the outer wall. And luckily it made its own pile on the floor, so you braced yourself and slid down quickly, hitting the grass with a small thud.

Your hands burned a little bit and you winced, maybe you should've went down slowly to avoid rug burn but it was too late now, your main goal was to make it to the city and look for someone you could trust.


You were cold, tired, and very hungry. You were currently hiding in an abandoned wagon located in an alley and used a tarp to cover signs of someone sleeping there. You tried getting some rest after the very long walk to the city but your legs felt like they could possibly get turned the other way and not have any problem.

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