Mystic Mayhem

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   "Yellow Submarine, are we clear?" a voice crackled through the walkie-talkie my friend April was holding. I held back a snicker at the codename she was given. She glared playfully at me as she responded.

     "Affirmative, Red Rover," she confirmed that there was no way on the rooftop we occupied. A group of four boys dropped from above us and into the crystal clear pool, the water shooting out, soaking me and April in the process. After the tsunami cleared, they all stood in the now empty pool cheering.

     "These are your friends, April?" I inquired. They were turtle ninja people?

     "You guys crushed it!" April peaked over the side of the pool, but I stayed leaning against the entrance to the roof. "Give me five! Or three," the boys leaped over the ledge cheerfully to high-five her.

     "Couldn't have done it without you, April," the buff one with a red mask commented. "Our girl with the plan."

     "And keys to the roof," one with a blue mask added, jingling the keys.

     "Let's go bungee dunk on the hoops at Rucker Park," the orange one wrapped his arm around April's shoulders.

     "Game on! Just one thing first," she nodded her head in my direction and I stumbled over holding a couple of signs under my arms. "'Wet Floor' and 'Dry Pool'," she tossed them into place at the four panicked warning her that I was there.

     "April," the purple one with funky glasses pulled the girl to the side, saying something to her I couldn't hear.

     "Oh, Y/n? Don't worry about them, they're cool," she spoke smoothly, her small grin never leaving her lips. "I should introduce everybody. Guys, this is Y/n, Y/n, this is Raph, Leo, Donnie, and Mikey," she pointed to each as she told me their names. "Donnie, mind if I hitch a ride?"

     "No probbles," April immediately hopped on his back, some sort of hoverbike formed out of his shell and the two took off in the air. I watched the other three turtles chase after them, only for Raph to look to his side mid-jump and slam his face into a brick wall.

     "Hey! Hey, guys, hold up," Mikey and Leo peered over the building to see was Raph was pointing at, and I mimicked their actions. "Poor thing looks lost," he hopped back down, landing loudly in front of the small animal. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed onto a pipe on the side of the building and slid down it like a firepole.

     "What you doing here?" Raph spoke in a babying voice to the animal that growled defensively. He made quiet kissing noises as he attempted to call the animal closer. "Come to big Raphie," the three boys chuckled at the larger one's actions. "What?" he glared back at them. "Pets love me, all right? I am at one with the animals," that being said, the small guy lunged at Raph and scratched up his mask before landing in April's hands.

     "April O'Neil, animal whisperer," I commented as she cooed at the animal licking her cheek.

     "I didn't get this drenched from the cannonball," she hugged the little pet and it cuddled into her.

     "It looks so weird. What is it?" Mikey asked curiously.

     "Maybe it's some kind of nuclear St. Bernard," Donnie leaned closer to inspect the vial tied around its neck like a collar. A shadow suddenly cast over me and a gruff voice cleared its throat.

     "Ooh! Humans!" Raph called out and the four ducked behind me and April. "Initiate plan H," he whispered and three of the boys stood casually beside us.

     "Um, excuse me, sirs," Leo spoke up in a weird voice. "Can you direct us to the local science fiction convention that we are currently dressed for?"

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