The Fast and the Furriest

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        ~Normal POV~

     "Brethren and Y/n, before you is my masterpiece, the culmination of my myriad skills united in one glorious enterprise!" Donnie stood in front of us, a spotlight shining down on him and a curtain hiding the display. "Gentlemen, behold the--"

     "Ooh, is it the drill?" Leo cut the boy off. "Is it that drill you made when we were fighting those silverfish?"

     "Uh, no, no, no, that-- that's still in beta," he says quickly, slightly irritated the older twin.

     "Lame!" Raph grins, teasing his brother for not finishing his tech that he always seemed to complete rapidly.

     "But this is better, much, much better," he spun from us, ready to pull the string and show us his new machine. "I give you the--"

     "Is it an even cooler, even bigger drill?" Mikey spoke up excitedly from the ground beside me.

     "No, not a drill!" Donnie swiped his hand in front of him, stopping his brothers from speaking again. "This is the big surprise," he pointed the Tech-Bo behind him and pulled the string while staring at us for our reaction. "Ta-stinkin'-da!"

     "Yay! A sewer tube full of nothing!" Mikey jumped up, cheering.

     "Huh?" Donnie paused, the expression of "Tell Me It's Not Amazing" freezing on his face.

     "I'm so proud of you!" Mikey cooed.

     "What? Where did it go?" Donnie spun around, hands squeezing his head before falling to his knees. "I built us an amazing vehicle out of the moon buggy," he slammed his fist on the metal floor of the garage. "Who stole our Turtle Tank?"

     The five of us made our way out of the lair in the sewers, I noticed the lack of laughter from the living room where "Scorpion Treadmill" was playing. "Has anyone seen Splinter?" I jabbed my thumb back to where the man usually sat, but Donnie paid no mind, his brow creased in anger as he stormed past us and to the ladder leading to the manhole we left through.

     "Hey, this is a real problem, Donnie," Raph looked out over the ledge of a skyscraper to find the newly built and missing vehicle. "Not only did they steal your tank thing. . ."

     "Now you can finish the drill," Mikey leaned forward to look past Raph and to see Donnie.

     "But they also must know where our lair is," Raph cupped his chin in thought, three of the boys turning their gaze to me. "It must be somebody who's penetrated our inner circle."

     "Hey, hey, hey, don't look at me," I crossed my arms, glaring at them. "I've been with you guys all night."

     "Maybe even someone we've known for years," Donnie gritted his teeth. Next thing I knew, we were sneaking to April's house in the cover of the night. Even after my insisting that it couldn't be her and that we could just knock when we got there, Donnie instead favored kicking her door in.

     "All right, you!" he pointed accusingly at the dark-skinned girl who was sitting on her couch petting Mayhem. "Where's our Turtle Tank?"

     "Hi, Donnie," she greeted in a sickly sweet voice. "You have nine seconds to tell me why you just broke my door," her grin never leaving her face. He was definitely gonna get his ass kicked.

     "Someone stole Donnie's Turtle Tank," Leo poked his head around the younger twin.

     "Oh, I see," April laughed, her smile growing impossibly larger. "So as your best friend, you naturally suspect me."

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