The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek

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        ~Normal POV~

     We were in the kitchen, looking down at the glorious pizza that I had picked up for me and the boys. My stomach grumbled as we stared, and of course, Raph wasn't letting anyone grab a slice yet.

     "Okay, rock-paper-scissors for the first slice," he told us, wearing a proud smile as he pointed at his youngest brother. "Me and Mikey are up."

     "Should I get the first slice? My money paid for it," I crossed my arms and gave the leader a stern glare. He huffed at my gaze.

     "Fine, we rock-paper-scissors for the second first slice then," I gave a satisfied grin as I picked up a slice and walked back to the twins. I took a bite before offering a bite to Donnie with a small smile.

     "It's funny how Raph always starts against Mr. 'Only Chooses Scissors,' Leo leaned closer to us. we watched as the boy chose scissors and Raph chose rock, the younger boy clutching his arm dramatically as he leaned backward.

     "Oh, not again," Mikey cried out. "How do you do it?" Raph laughed victoriously as he held the slice of pizza. The lights in the kitchen went out, and when they came back on, the slice had disappeared from his hand. I offered another bite to Donnie and he took it with a smug grin and Raph's pizza missing.

     "Pizza slice gone," Raph pointed in the palm of his hand when he realized. "Which of you creepoids took it?" he shouted at us. The lights went out again, and the rest of the pizza disappeared, but the box was left on the table.

     "The table's eating our pizza!" Mikey cried out and then we were back to back, looking for something that could have actually stolen it. I heard a chewing noise, looking at the chair that shimmied slightly. "It's the chair!" Mikey screamed again. The boys all gripped their weapons before the chair shifted and suddenly became Splinter

     "Wait, Pops?" Mikey's voice was full of confusion, and all of us glanced up at the rat who was eating the pizza.

     "Yes," Splinter said simply. "And so begins your next lesson," he informed his sons.

     "Let me guess," Leo's face fell flat, clearly unamused at the fact his dad stole their meal. "How to starve your enemies to death?"

     "No," a slice of cheese slapped against Leo's face. "Today, you learn the art of ninja stealth and invisibility," Splinter explained as the older twin began munching on the cheese that was stuck to his face after he peeled the pizza away. "the foundation of every great ninja."

     Splinter clapped his hands and the lights in the kitchen went out again. "Lights-off-jutsu," they turned on once more, Splinter was gone, and so was the slice Leo was eating.

     "You couldn't have done this last week when Mikey cooked brussels sprouts?" Leo cried out before we finally moved out to join Splinter on a roof. While none of the other boys had their weapons on them, Donnie held onto his Tech-Bo.

     "You must remain sleek and nimble, so no weapons today," Splinter told his sons as I sat beside the rat. "After my lessons, you will be ready for a mission inside Big Mama's Yokai Hotel."

     "You know about Big Mama?" my eyes shifted to Splinter as he tensed up at Leo's inquiry. I saw the bead of sweat that rolled down his cheek and snickered.

     "I have heard stories," the rat's tail hit me in the back of my head as he came up with an excuse. "Ninja invisibility lesson number one: keep to the shadows," he slid out of view. "Lesson two: blind spots. Use your enemy's blind spots to advance across the battlefield," Splinter reappeared and disappeared between the four boys as he demonstrated.

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